Best Second Mastery for Occultist?

Hi, so I was planning on making an Occultist character focused on the Solael’s Witchfire and Possession skill trees and was wondering what other mastery would be good to complement that kind of playstyle? From what I’ve seen it looks like Nightblade or Solider could work well, but I’m still unsure how a lot of the game mechanics work so I could be completely wrong. Does anyone have any knowledge of a rough build that might be suitable?


Arcanist maybe, if you play a magic character.

What’s the primary benefit of choosing Arcanist? Would it be mainly for the passive and defensive abilities than the nuke spells?

+Shaman , Vitality mage

Good choice. Demo would be a good fit except for the fact you’d want to also run it to 50 for hellfire mines. That’s a lot of points in masteries.

What about using the Tainted Power version of Albrecht’s Aether Ray so it’s Chaos damage?

Aether Ray is viable, but it requires a lot of energy and energy regen to sustain.

Is Shaman still worth it without a pet focus?

Thanks for the replies btw! :slight_smile:

Made my day :smiley:

Shaman has pets?

Shaman’s a safe bet, I love my Conjurer

You can’t really “make a character” around Solael’s Witchfire and Possession. Those are just buffs that can fit into LOADS of builds. So what type of character are we talking?

Did you mean make a character around the flat chaos damage in those two - if so then DW melee nightblade or a ranged guns firestriker would be your bet.

Or did you want to concentrate on the % vitality and cast spells? That’d be a vitality conjurer.

% chaos and spells? That’d be a warlock (add arcanist) and tainted AAR…or perhaps if you have access to an Obsidian Juggernaut you could come up with a build that focuses on that skill.

Haven’t tried Shaman so I’m obviously ignorant but I was under the impression skills like Briarthorn were pet skills? I’d have thought going Occultist + Shaman would suggest a pet build since those two masteries are the two “pet” masteries as far as I was aware? Or do you mean the comment with respect to the build-meta not really utilising the Shaman mastery for pets?

I originally had something like a melee type character in mind (eg with Nightblade), but the last suggestion sounds interesting. Did you mean something like this?

Haven’t tried Shaman so I’m obviously ignorant but I was under the impression skills like Briarthorn were pet skills? I’d have thought going Occultist + Shaman would suggest a pet build since those two masteries are the two “pet” masteries as far as I was aware? Or do you mean the comment with respect to the build-meta not really utilising the Shaman mastery for pets?

Is Shaman still worth it without a pet focus?

You just made it sound like Shaman doesn’t worth it without pet focus, in which case it’s wrong and funny :smiley:

If you meant a Conjurer though, then yet again - conjurer doesn’t means it’s a pet build. There’s also a vitality mage conjurer, which is a totem-type caster - it’s based on corrupted storm totem, sigil of consumption, wendigo totem and devouring swarm.

It is. Don’t mind us, we were just being silly. What’s important is that Shaman has some great tools even if you don’t want to use pets.

I choose Nightblade. U can play throw dagger or dual weild lifesteal build

or druid to play sigil totem build

Shaman is make for 2 hand melle build, not for the pet build . :smiley: