What’s the best way to test the graphics performance of this game?
I need this so if I change graphics settings or my computer hardware I can measure the increase / decrease in performance accurately.
TL;DR: the answer I’ve found: Best way to Benchmark Graphics in GD? - #8 by Coincident
I want to test the worst FPS scenario, and not just “go kill Korvaak”.
The worst FPS I’ve found so far is the Crucible of Crags, round 103: easy to repeat in 2 minutes, LOTS of caster mobs at once, and on Challenger difficulty the risk of death is almost zero.
On max settings my FPS there can drop to 30; whereas I easily have 120+ FPS on Korvaak.
The problem is that the Crucible is still very random. The types of mobs that spawn on round 103 are random, and doing 2 tests I can get extremely different results just due to fewer caster mobs spawning, or moving in a different way, or dying faster.
Is there a place that’s as graphic-intensive as the Crucible, but has consistent spawns?
Maybe there’s a game mod with non-random monster spawns?
So what’s the most consistent, non-random, way to benchmark the graphics in GD?
I’ve been using Crucible of Crags, round 103, on Challenger difficulty. Is there something better?