Hello, first off just wanted to say love the game and all the work the devs and community put into it. I only play with a controller because I have wrist problems, and while the controller support is actually pretty decent, there are a few things that could be improved. The primary problem I see is that the A button and Left Trigger (Xbox controller) don’t seem like they can be remapped. Left trigger is locked to stationary attack, something which I never use, which is especially problematic because the limited input availability already makes certain builds unplayable with the controller. The A button previously wasn’t an issue, but with the addition of the evade I would like to reassign evade to the A button (what I have evade on in every other game I play). But ya, these are the things I’m seeing that could be improved for controller: limited number of skills you can effectively use, and limited control customization. If there are already effective solutions available then please let me know, thanks.
atleast on PC (can’t say for Xbox) both A button and left trigger can be freely rebound
I play on PC and it does not let me rebind them. All the other buttons can be rebound, not A or left trigger.
i can even bind both to evade at the same time on 1.2 if i wish…
*this is ofc no different for me on 9.8, (except no evade ofc)
Well, I tried verifying the game files and then reinstalling the game and I am still having these issues. Do you have any insight into why this would be happening?
depends what you’re referring to
if it’s the settings that doesn’t “stick” then it’s potentially a file permission issue, antivirus blocking, onedrive syncing/hijacking or just steam
^but that’s assuming you’re trying to actually change the binds ingame via the keybinds as shown
if you’re however solely using or trying to handle it via steam config/controller profile, then i’d have no idea what’s up, and would just suggest to use the ingame
So what was happening was that when I would go to input the new keybinds it simply wouldn’t detect if I pushed the L trigger or A button. So after reading your comment I tried disabling Steam input and it let me rebind the keys but it wouldn’t detect the controller in game (it would in the main menu, but not past there). When I reactivated Steam input it still had the key rebinds in the in-game settings, but they just did what they used to before being rebound. So I went into the Controller Layout settings in Steam and the keymapping there is tied directly to in-game inputs i.e.: quickslot 1, use potion, open map etc. I’m not sure if this is how it is in other games, but I have not seen it this way before. I typically use this function to swap the A and B key to make sure dodge roll is on the A button and I have only ever seen it to note the controller inputs, not to reference in-game abilities, so this was odd to me. However, using Controller Layout I was able to rebind the L trigger, but there is not an in-game action option for the evade, so I can’t use that I guess lol.
So now I have the L trigger rebound to an actual skill, but I just cant access the evade on the controller at all for some reason. But this is still much better than not having the L trigger lol.
TLDR: the game only seems to detect the controller for me via Steam Controller Layout for some reason and there doesn’t seem to be a way to map evade in this manner. I can use L trigger now though!
do you have the “enable non steam gamepad” on off checkbox in keybinds at the bottom ingame?
xbox controllers should work “vanilla” afaik
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