Bight Fiend get lazy with Unstable Anomaly

Bight Fiend get lazy with Unstable Anomaly,not full-function in Battle.
Bight Fiend work well in low level,but Unstable Anomaly make things change.

I think this UA is a offense choose,Give up defense in exchange for offense,make a MT into 3 cannon.

But it isnt full-function in my experience.

Bight Fiend only have 8s life with UA,the Summon animation will cost 2s,then he will casting Rotting Fumes which cost 1s,in fact he only have 4-5s left.

Even with the Mythical Circlet of the Great Serpent I can have 2-3 Fiends at the same time,but always At least one of them in animation or casting Rotting Fumes.

What makes the matter worse is that sometimes them dont have enough time to cast the Bight Burst which is his mian offense skill.(I check the monster data found out something called ‘Initial use timeout’,I wonder if pet AI work the same )

Actually the total damage seems dont growth with UA,just as the same with out UA.But they cant do the tank`s job(Protect me) in such short life time any more.I feel like after all my efforts in the UA get nothing but nerfed myself.

the demo Video
you can see some Fiends even have no time to cast the Bight Burst.

Solution proposal:
1、Cut off or speed up the Summon animation of Bight Fiend in UA MOD.
ps:I do love the Summon animation,The rise of the earth make Bight Fiend look like a badass,we can keep the animation of BF with out UA MOD or speed up it in UA MOD.It can be done because they are different patterns in different mod.
2、Cut off or speed up the casting animation of Rotting Fumes.
Actually I think all the casting animation of the pet`s skill which only give State of buffs and debuff should been cut off or speed up.Why not let the pet born with the states.
3、Reduce the Initial use timeout of the Bight Burst,if it do have one.
4、If all The proposals above make BF too OP in UA mod,or the Devs designed this purposely to keep damage balancing,just nerf the UA such with Total Damage Modified.The damage only about data balancing,but watching pet “loaf on the job” reduce the gamer experience.

Think about this:You are a company boss ,have two kind of employee,one of them work for you 24h a day in his full life time,only rest 3 hours in his welcome party on first day。And the rest employee work for you 8h just one day,but they also having their 3h welcome party during work each days.:smiley:

PS:I hearty advice to add some Control resistance to pets such as endgame gears!

Usually I tike it as a tank.Though I never added it to level 2.:rolleyes:

Bight Fiend only have 8s life with UA,the Summon animation will cost 2s,then he will casting Rotting Fumes which cost 1s,in fact he only have 4-5s left."

I gave some feedback on anomaly as well. It’s barely functional even with Serpent and TD

I like the word you choose,TD exactly what I think about the BF in UA mod

“2、Cut off or speed up the casting animation of Rotting Fumes.”

This one is so important and mentioned it as well. It takes BF almost 3 sec to cast and realize he needs to move

His on death explosion should also do way more dmg with transmuter. Like kamiakaze:)

This isnt only about BF,many pets have the same issue.So I think why not let them born with the states.The time for Briarthorn to casting Emholdning Presence will cause the pet master out of protection even been killed.