I binded Oleron’s Blind Fury to Deathstalker, and it is able to proc when Deathstalker attacks. But I am curious as to how the procs work, as Deathstalker does not have a crit chance %?
On a side note, for Adcth devotions binded to pets, does the heal go to the pet or the character?
If the devotion has weapon damage then yes, if not no. When devotion has weapon damage, since pets doesn’t have weapon it’s like borrowing your weapon and hitting with your weapon so it heals you.
It’s also works with non adcth devotions. Like your example; Blind Fury has weapon damage and binded to the deathstalker, when it procs it applies the weapon damage so it also uses your global lifesteal but since WD is lower than %100, the effect will be less. You have %10 Adcth; pet hitting blind fury with %75 WD so it will use %7,5 Adcth.
On the other note Nemesis seemed much better than Deathstalker at proccing stuff (but that might have been just an impression, I didn’t do a proper comparison test) to me - more attacks per second and also able to teleport to enemies?