Birb aka Summon Familiar/Great Raven %WD

How does this work ?? image

all other regular pets funnily enough have actual dmg when looking at their weapon attack/WD in page 2 in GT, and i was under the impression all pets now had part phys dmg in their WD, but Birb got nada dmg, at all ?
how does that work when both its main attack and zappy skill has %WD ?!? @_@

That should be the Flat Dmg your Pets have.
Birb doesn’t do any Physical damage by default and is purely lightning.

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but how come all the other other pets by default have flat dmg/“usable weapon dmg”, and the birb doesn’t, despite having WD in its main attack and zappy skill ? :thinking:
that basically means, unless aware of this little snag, you can go a long time without birb actually getting any flat/getting to use and apply its WD?, yet all other pets have it from start :thinking: - it also means birb’s actual WD effects are much lower than other pets with default WD, seems like Birb’ism to me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Have to ask Zantai that :woman_shrugging:

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You’re hoping I’ll explain how Grimtools parses something? :crazy_face:

My guess is GT bases it off of basic attacks, which the raven doesn’t use. It casts a projectile skill instead. You’ll probably find the same “issue” on other ranged pets.

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so what you’re saying is GT isn’t accurate, because somethingsoemthing, and the Birb does infact do “some” WD at base points? :thinking: