Blaze Herald's affix bias feels weird - or terrible RNG luck (again)

I wanted to try a build I made with those weapons, but I found that I don’t have any. So I started farming Herald of the Flame, right? “Aetherfire … of Alacrity” is all I had in mind. I figured it won’t take me long since it’s a single rare and “of Alacrity” is pretty common. Hoo boy was I wrong.

I did like ~200 runs in the past week and got all kinds of stuff, but “Aetherfire” prefix. It didn’t drop even a single time. I got like 15 of “Essence Drinker’s … of the Aether”, though! Which is strange, because item is called “BLAZE Herald”, not “Sucky-suck Herald”. Got quite a few “Wraithbound” and “of Bestial Rage/Caged Souls” as well, which is even more weird.

I can understand not getting Alkamos rings, or Nightbringer, Worldeater, etc., but geez, not getting an affix that’s literaly the first thing that comes to mind when you read “Blaze Herald”?

Maybe if I bitch here on the forum it will drop. Happened a bunch of times already to different guys. But I’m wondering if there’s some issue with the item and its affix pool?

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essence drinker has cast speed
is it possible blaze herald has a slight bias towards cast speed “because dagger”?
(like how theodin stick was hard to get with attack speed “because caster class weapon” :crazy_face:)
so since essence drinker has both aether dmg and cast speed it might be “double bias” ? ? :thinking:
idono, :man_shrugging:

i do have an aetherifire prefixed in my stash, and a warped of shattered reality, so it’s possible to get the decent affixes on it, once in a while at least :woozy_face:

praise be RNGesus ! :raised_hands:

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That might be the case, actually. Never really discerned them weapon types… Guess I’m in a bit of predicament, then. Well, at least it’s nice to know it’s POSSIBLE to drop at all. On to another 200 runs, ahoy!

upd: heh, will you look at that? After yet another ~40 runs I got two Aetherfire’s: “of the Aether” and “of Corrosion”. Affix bias my ass! XD Still, seems like bitching did help somewhat. Oh well, better luck next time.

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RNGesus just gave my leveling infiltrator this, character’s first Herald kill/just going there once for the quest :rofl:

RNGesus be “inconsistent” with blessings sometimes i guess :sweat_smile:


Heh, it always drops for people who don’t really need it, is it? =)

Anyway, couldn’t make myself farm for another week, so had to make do with the “best” I could put my hands on. And the resulting build is… eh, kinda not worth it (DPS is pretty low). Hm, maybe I’ll post some feedback about it sometime soon…

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