Blightlord Oppressor build needs sustain

Coming back to play my old Blightlord Oppressor, i remembered why i didn’t touch it for quite some time and why i want to.
Here is the build : Oppressor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

The build has serious defense issues. It not a bad build, but i don’t know how are you supposed to sustain. Look at all my defensive layers. Also Bat’s barely do anything here. No Phys res is another thing, but whatever.

I highly suggest following :

  • Add Lifesteal to either Guardians or Ravenous Earth (as set bonus)
  • Increase the spawn animation of Ravenous Earth so it starts firing faster as baseline. (It is quite slow for Grim Dawn)
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no cast speed
no phys res
no lifesteal
so basically typical cooldown caster set in the eyes of Crate :sweat_smile:
(no cdr because dw)

i would not call wayward souls or seal of ancestry defensive layers personally
kinda curious why you didn’t fit in ghoul if you’re using Stormfire anyway :thinking:

I’m going with bat+wendigo and put RR on GoE on such build

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