Blitz Krieg - A SSF, HC-Viable, New-Player-Friendly Warlord

I just put a point in Blindside, made a HUGE difference. I almost want to put more into it lol

EDIT: I also used GI to turn the game up to 1.5 speed, also made a huge difference in how the game feels with the build.

I just started the game and chose this build as my first. I just hit 60 and it has been great learning the ins and outs of the game. This build is powerful and easy to play. Huge thanks for the VERY step by step process, made my understanding way less complicated.

My one and only critique about this build, it doesn’t address how to heal without using potions. Its not necessarily the OP’s fault as maybe this something you learn by playing.

EIther way its pretty easy to fix, get the damage to health “attachment?” to your weapon and that should be good (at least it is for me atm).

Again thanks for the easy walk through!

I like using the Haunted Steel type mods in some builds, but not Soldier because it’s physical based and the mods convert your damage to Vitality. This type of build relies on damage mitigation and resists rather than self-healing. If you pulled something big and scary enough that the combination of Menhir’s Will and Resilience isn’t enough to keep you up with a health pot, you probably messed up.

Restless Remains mod for your gloves is one good source of health leech if you want a bit more. Or you can do the Hidden Path bosses since the Solael guardian drops pants with 2-4 ADCTH. Or look out for green pieces with Vampiric or Dread Lord affixes.

You use potions.

At least while leveling. Later on, yes, you do get some Attack Damage Converted to Health and that will be your primary means of healing. But while leveling you fall back on potions, Menhir’s Will, and passive Constitution regen.

And basically this:

So it is. That’s unfortunate, sorry about that. I don’t believe I have a local recording of that gameplay but I’ll look around. Until then, thank you for pointing that out - I’ve omitted the link for now.

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If you feel you need/want to.

The build doesn’t scale block stats too much so increased block effectiveness on the Warden’s shield won’t really matter until you’re pushing endgame content. Many of the Warden’s shield’s stats don’t scale at all, in fact. However, a higher level base item means higher level prefix/suffix combos, which could be quite beneficial to you if you are unsatisfied with your lower-level shield’s results.

I chose not to in my run because it’s a bit of a walk to get to the Warden in Elite, without much being gained along the way. Milton’s Helm, on the other hand, is only a small detour from continuing in Normal.

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Well you can get very good stats on some affixes for both the Milton helmet and the Warden shield, but the stats of the individual pieces themselves without randomized affixes don’t scale too greatly beyond their base low-level variants.

It can be a concern, but generally not a large one. Armor is important and shouldn’t be ignored, certainly, but you’ll have decent enough Armor for all of Normal with just the lowlevel Milton helmet (and, of course, up-to-date gear in other slots). In Elite, another higher-level Milton helmet will do, and you can finish yourself off with it getting another one in Ultimate.

Offensive Ability or +% Physical/% Internal Trauma Damage are what the build needs most. But generally the flat damage and cooldown reduction offered by the Helmet/Shield for Blitz will greatly outweigh any potential alternative that involves a different item.

The build’s resists are perfectly covered with the gear in the level 100 grimtools link, so while overcaps are nice, you don’t need to worry about resistance-based affixes. Offensive Ability is really the only thing the build lacks.

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I didn’t include it because I generally don’t recommend doing FG outside of Ultimate, save for dipping one’s toes in at Normal to pick up a movement rune of their choosing (you can browse the faction shops to see what they offer before making your choice). There also aren’t any drops in FG that are worthwhile for the build, either.

FG mobs are too strong (defense-wise) and dangerous (offense-wise) and the quest rewards aren’t satisfactory enough to warrant pursuing the content immediately. When I finish vanilla/AoM in Normal, I just hop into Elite.

Hallo, i am lvling my first char with this build. Following your guide with the items and so on. I am lvl 66 now. Is this build good for farming in the endgame too? I mean sr runs and so on? can i farm good items for this and other build with this setup? My aim with the first build is to be able to farm endgame for good items.
Is this build not only for lvling but for farming too or?

It won’t be farming competitively with fully-geared characters, nor do I think it will necessarily push too deep into SR, but yes, this build was absolutely made to be played at endgame to help newer players farm loot for more potent characters.

would that build be the next target if i wanna improve your starting build? when i find the needed legendaries i could switch my devotion and skill points to his build

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Yes, that’d be a perfect follow-up to the build and is a very natural progression.

Hi thanks for this guide, ive been enjoying it very much. ONe thing i wonder, can you elaborate more about the guardian of empyrion.

Is it just to reduce the resistances of mobs? since we only put one point in it and not maxing it out?

I dont really understand the interaction with assassins mark, can you elaborate why it is good?

Glad you’ve been enjoying the guide! (And welcome to the forums!)

Yes, Guardians of Empyrion is mostly for resistance reduction and for having a passive means of activating Devotion skills (such as Blind Fury, which is bound to them in the build link). They’re very good for both which allows the player to focus on the rest of their skills’ rotation.

Assassin’s Mark is good for reducing enemies’ Physical Resistance, and as we’re dealing primarily Physical Damage, that just means more damage output for us.

The game has changed a lot since I first wrote this guide. The Maul Devotion Skill (on Dire Bear) is now probably a very good idea to take on the build, but Devotions were always tight and taking it might require sacrificing a T3 constellation (either Oleron or Light of Empyrion - I’d say Oleron for the context of this build).

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The dire bear looks great, i have trouble getting enough affinity for it but i will see if there is way, im currently maxing shield maiden. Also i dont get the retalliation damage. I get alot that increses it, does it just “happen” or do i haev to do something to trigger it?

Grey’s build has Maul. Might hafta give up something, not sure what devos you have.

Sorry to necro the thread, but would the turtle be an option for hardcore, at least during leveling, now that it got a buff since this was first published?

Yes, Turtle would be a great choice for this build, especially in light of its buff.

Thanks! I’m playing my second serious attempt at a veteran hardcore run, and if this fails, I have to play a pet build of shame. I plan on probably doing turtle, eel and jackal early on, then respec later as better gear and more skill points come in.

shitting your pants IRL confirmed :stuck_out_tongue: