Blood Burst = Weapon?

Was thinking of trying an Evil Eye build just for fun, although I’ve heard it’s gimp. Actually, that just makes me want to try making it good anyway. My question is, does Blood Burst’s 15% weapon damage allow Solael’s Witchfire to be attached to it?

Put in a broader sense, can a skill that requires a “weapon attack” work with another skill or item that has %Weapon Damage, or must it be a flat number?

Whoever told you DEE build is bad is misinformed or a n00b. I don’t exactly get your question, but flat damage from solaels buff will apply to the weapon damage. That being said solaels is entirely worthless for a DEE build

Solael’s Witchfire does not require a weapon attack, it simply gives adds chaos damage to your weapon damage and applies a global % damage buff.

But I’m not actually attacking with whatever weapon I’m holding (Evil Eye will be my primary attack) so there is no weapon damage being done. I was hoping that the “% Weapon Damage” from Blood Burst would count as weapon damage, but it’s %, not actual flat damage. So I’m still kind of confused.

I got the idea for the build when I picked up a few pieces of the Shroud of Dreeg set, which has %Vitality and %Chaos in addition to Acid/Poison. All pieces of the set give a bonus to the Evil Eye line, so I was trying to figure out a use for the other bonuses. I was going to put Doom Bolt in also for the same reason. The set looks to be a pure Occultist thing, so most point would go into that class, perhaps adding the Soldier health/physique/circuit breaker stuff early in Soldier. I don’t like Sigil but it might be an option.

You are ‘attacking’ with your weapon though. % weapon damage does count as weapon damage…why wouldn’t it?! :stuck_out_tongue: It’s just at a lesser value than the full weapon in this case. So if solaels gave you 100 chaos damage you would do 17% of your weapons base damage plus an additional 17 chaos damage. Doom bolt is pretty much worthless unless you want to use it to proc something. It does very little damage in comparison to your dot stacks. You do end up with pretty high % vit damage, but you don’t really have enough points to put into sigil to make it good imo unless you wanna sacrifice elsewhere. There are better ways to gain survivability for this build

Nightblade second is the best option here, arcanist second best. I wouldn’t really even consider any other options

OK, so it will work. But why would Solael’s be affected by the %weapon damage it is bound to? It should give the full, flat 100 chaos damage regardless of how much of the weapon damage a different skill is using.

Because it is a buff that adds more damage to your weapon? Everything on a weapon is increased/decreased with % WD except resist reduction which cannot go over it’s original value cause you could nuke people’s resistances with high weapon damage skills. How does your way make any sense :rolleyes: Anywho don’t bother with solaels unless you are desperate for vit res, the dps increase is laughable