Bloody Pox -> Fevered Rage question

So you don’t have to open the game/GT:

Does the damage modifier apply to the skill or enemy? The .dbr doesn’t tell me anything by “Skill_Transmuter”. :rolleyes:

And the damage modification is in “offensive parameters” so it’d imply it affects the skill itself, but Bloody Pox is effectively a debuff.

So how does it work? :eek: I know the energy cost modifier affects the skill itself, though, I mean, monsters already have “unlimited” energy.

It increases the damage on the skill by 40%. You can test it yourself, since it updates the main skill tooltip once you put a point in there. The life reduction part won’t update on the skill tooltip though.

I don’t believe skill tooltips at all. Last time I checked my AAR dealt 13k damage, while in reality the minimum damage I pulled off was 40k.

You have to turn “gore” of in the game options for Bloody Pox, because enemies that gib won´t spread the disease. With gore off, the skills does noticeable more dmg over all.
This is kinda a bug, but it´s not gonna be fixed. “The more you know”.

Currently leveling a cabalist with Pox/Fevered Rage. DMG is off the charts. :wink:

Use GrimInternals DPS meter for more accurate info about dmg dealt.

I mean, I know how does Bloody Pox work in general, and that Gore fucks it. I only asked about Fevered Rage’s damage modifier.

You’re thinking of Clinton, I believe.

Dick and Bush are hiding in the bushes:D

Ok, managed to play a bit and confirmed on target dummies that this damage modifiers apply to Pox only.

Also, thank you for off topic. :stuck_out_tongue: