Bollag Bounty not completing

I’ve completed all quests on Ultimate, just grinding for Reputation. Accepted Bollag bounty from the Sewers and have run him down 3 times now, but it isn’t triggering it’s completion, I do have a 2nd bounty ready to be turned for Death’s Vigil.

are you killing the right boss? Grim Dawn World Map
(just tried in my game and it works)
if you are killing the right one, maybe try verify game files etc

After I posted I had the bright idea to try turning in the first quest, once I turned it in it triggered properly.

Bollag is pretty hard to miss in Malmouth lol

Strange. That shouldn’t have affected it unless it was tied to that monster somehow.

ye when i tried with others active/completed (from death’s vigil too) my Bollag kill still triggered fine :thinking: curious circumstances

Yeah, I mean I’m by no means an expert in these parts with my mere 800 hours lol, but it seemed weird. It was Olga Flamebreath(sp) and had been running Ft Haron/Malmouth in loops for a few runs. I noticed it became awkward clicking on the Resistance bounty table as well(the toon wouldn’t advance towards the table but if I walked him over myself I could open the dialog with the table), but once I cleared the first bounty it the Resistance bounty table acted normal again.

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