Bonemonger changes in preview

Dear Zantai,

Please don’t make the changes on bonemonger set to make it convert 30% elemental > aether. This changes will kill all the possible tri-elemental bonemonger build. Please see my build below for reference on what tri-elemental bonemonger can do:

This set is beautiful and flexible. It’s comparable to the pre-nerf iskandra that is so flexible and can be used in so many variation, whether it’s tri-elemental or aether. It is one of the present grim dawn is lacking. A set that is focusing on support skills.

Please don’t make this set as another one dimensional set that is so painfully obvious to make and build around. Part of what makes grim dawn is so enjoyable for me is puzzles provided by set like this.

If any, what bonemonger need is more defensive properties in form of phys res and armor, or more support for the tri-elemental.

Thank you for the consideration.

PS: BTW, thanks for removing all terrify effect on necromancer! I mostly agree with most of the changes on preview except bonemonger. Really appreciate it!

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+1 trielementals builds really work, because most of enemies except superbosses ans Valaxteria with bubble have not high res ro all elements. Now runebinder set really lacking of phys defence, and bonemonger is really the one set for tri-elements. I tried idea with non forcewave arcanor, but doesnt work with rb. Give conversion to another gear and save bonemonger for elemental builds.

Zantai please hear this plea. Current Bonemonger isn’t too strong or too weak. No need for that specific change.

Thank you, you both!

I have a lot more elemental bonemonger in my head after I build one. It just very saddening to see that change on preview.

Bonemonger has potential to be the next pre-nerf iskandra. And I hope it stays that way.

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Anyway, since Zantai said this:

I think this concern is one where we can actually scream #deadbuild before the patch even comes out. This obviously kills jabrixone’s apostate even without trying it out. :stuck_out_tongue:

My tri-elemental iskandra is soon to be dead. My ulzuin FS purifier is soon to be dead. My tri-elemental bonemonger is on the edge of a cliff.

Those three builds are not on the octavius or retal or cyclone level of craziness but still got axed anyway.

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We’ll be reverting this particular conversion change before the patch hits.

Praise God!
Thanks so much!!!

Now I can proceed to test more elemental bonemonger.

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And so, Jabby’s sincere prayer moved the heart of the God of Crate.

I thought Zantarin was an undead skeleton with no organs :undecided:

I think Zantai is more like Kelemvor in the Crate pantheon.

A D&D reference; he´s the God of Death for all builds, he judges.

I think of Zantai as Thanos. Whenever he snaps his fingers…

Now I need to pray more to God Z to give more procs to bonemonger set pieces.

A good Proc focused set is really lacking right now!

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+1 Stop this conversion bullshit on sets and make Aether Tempest great again

Zantai have already promised to revert and not make the changes. So you can rest easy… :wink:

If it’s about the arcane tempest set + bonemonger. It won’t be happening. Though personally, if bonemonger doesn’t have amulet piece, I’d go with cataclysm set rather than arcane tempest.

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Why u all talk about “if bonemonger doesn’t have amulet piece” when i suggest
to delete amulet from arcane tempest set, make it ussual 2 ring set like another for those who just want to use Aether lightning like spam skill WITH different FULL sets