Any books in the game are really cool-looking, and i spent a lot of time using the illusion feature, but i noticed that the character holds his book upside town…twice…
In several cases the back and the front cover look the same, but with the following ones, we can clearly see the problem:
agrivix consumption
wretched tome of nar’Adin
Black Grimoire of Og’napesh
i will show one example with the book of nar’adin. What do you think?
May be these are mangas ?
I don’t see a problem, it’s not like he is reading the book upside down… I am not aware of an established way of carrying a book that says the title has to face outside with the top end towards the front
i totally agree, but sometimes, only the front cover has a cool look (like for og’napesh, agrivix, fiendgaze…), and it is not on the visible side, so i wondered why. As i precised, i wanted my character to look “cool”.
I don’t want to establish anything, (and i’m not for arbitrary rules) but if a cool side was designed, why hiding it?
And on a practical side, it’s easier to read a book when it’s not upside down
Or may be those are mangas?
Anyway, i was just wondering, and it’s just a graphic detail in an amazing game