Boss pool SR

Grim Dawn V1.1.2.0 Preview

Meanwhile in reality :smile:

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if I’ll see that
immediately ALT + F4

SHARD 75 = PASS (but not this time)

Dont aggro all 4 bosses at once.


Solution was right in front of our noses the whole time!

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Can you bind Alt+F4 to right mouse button? :rofl:

Can´t see the 4th one…Moosilauke?

Yeah, nice one. <3 Mad Queen. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have Ring of Steel on right button… but think Alt+F4 work better in such cases then some fumble :smile:

And as I said in another thread:
Even, if you would have the chance to kill them all with skill, luck, effort, etc…if you have all on you and you die, they won´t reset to their positions.

In this case:
Even if my Trickster would kill the basilisk somehow (a lot of racial damage), Mad Queen and Grava would be on me every time the loading screen ends. And then get frosted by Moosi…yeah, not worth it.

Stuff like that is why I don’t play SR much, I’d rather do a complete Nemesis run all across Cairn than risk getting no reward at all due to impossible boss combos in higher shards.

Well I actually did run SR65-70 today and the 70 boss chunk was the easiest of them all :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It really boils down to boss combinations.

But I’m glad to see Crate adressing these issues.

We are only get hope on this
Some boss/nemesis combination are instant alt + f4, like those three of DMT screenshot (Grava + Stalsar + MQ)
or Grava + Korvaak + Ben’Jar
or Ramzul + Ben’Jar + Valdaran
They are simply not worth the effort to put in order to destroy them