Bosses need "Enrage" mechanics..

What title says…After a certain amount of time, they must be buffed with certain AS/CS and damage increase. Since this is not a mmorpg, required time for enragement must be at most 8-10min.

If not “enrage”, maybe more unique approaches like John Bourbon or Moosilake whatever

Except Mogdrogen though:D

Many bosses have enrage mechanics that activate at a certain % of their health. Benn’Jahr, the Colossal, for instance, becomes horrifically powerful at 40% HP.

I know that, but you can keep kiting forever which i did with my mortar and thermite mine sorcerer to BOC last boss, it took 12 min. The buff i am talking about is time related instead of %hp remaining and huge , Mogdrogen level huge ( meaning they become par with him)





I guess this is new meta /Iamcoolbecauseiwritelikethis stuff he.

Thanks for responses anyway.

Well there isn’t much constructive to say on your idea. It is a moronic idea as it punishes players for trying to overcome a boss that was obviously hard for their build to begin with - for example killing Herald of flame as fire/aether. There is no upside to such a mechanic as it won’t so much encourage damage diversity as create specific bosses/side areas that some builds won’t even attempt.

If you can’t kill it under 10 min, there is a problem with your build and it is shocking how you survived till the boss passage. Game already punishes most builds anyway. They die faster and kill slower than some “favourite” builds. If you are slow, you must be punished and game already does this to some extent

That isn’t how game balance works.

If you are slow, either your build or you is bad or game needs to be balanced by item or skill revamp.

Correct. But neither of those parameters suggests that the game needs to punish you. Slowness is its own motivator for improving a build, or an indication of imbalance.

Ok, i understand that slowness has its own punishment and if a person is ok with that, then game shouldn’t punish. I agree this with normal (or maybe elite too) difficulty but game difficulty increase must not be just numbers in my opinion.

How is an enrage not just numbers? After X time, [boss] gains Y stat augmentations.

I agree with your underlying principal, though. Unique boss mechanics and patterns are great for keeping players on edge. But if every boss ‘enraged’ after some amount of time, that would be neither unique nor interesting. At the point of a timed enrage, why would a player bother to continue to fight a boss?

Yes, actually this is better idea and probably modders (for ex you:eek:) can work on that uniqueness

Dude, you want endgame to be even more of a gear check than it already is. Seriously, go back to WoW.

It is not inherently a bad thing to draw inspiration from other sources, whether those sources be other games from the same genre or another one entirely.

A healthy discussion about why a feature should / could or perhaps shouldn’t be included in a particular game only helps to motivate constructive progression towards improvement.

Enrage timers were, for the most part, a positive motivation for raiders to push themselves and their classes to the limit in order to succeed. The concept is, again, inherently a positive influence on a game within that particular genre. That’s not to say that it would work for Grim Dawn but there is no harm in broaching it as a topic for consideration and discussion.

I like the idea of, maybe not an enrage timer but rather a particular health % whereby the boss may start exhibiting more advanced AI or throw in a new ability or two. An aspect that keeps the encounter fresh and the player engaged, rather than waiting for the health bar to reach 0 and profit. All the time waiting on the edge of their seat, knowing that at any moment, life and death could be within but a fraction of one another.

That is what I regard as an engaging and interactive experience that I would like to go through.


Bosses in Grim Dawn are garbage. They are so bad you can’t tell them apart from the mobs and when you finally spot them, they are already dead. /thread

You don’t need to tell me, I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen guilds ruined by the inability to progress (which sometimes was caused simply by bugged boss encounters). I’ve seen betrayal, many times. I’ve seen otherwise decent people suddenly acting like complete a******s. Some of them later felt remorse and apologized. I’ve seen people quit because their guildleaders pushed them pushed too far. And finally, I’ve seen abuse and people taking that abuse with a smile just because they wanted a chance to get a piece of gear they needed.

So you really don’t need to tell me how nice and healthy MMO raiding is.

A game shouldn’t push people to their limit. A game should be entertainment, not torture.

It is not the game that pushed those people to their limit. It is those people that pushed themselves to their limit to succeed within that game.

There is a difference.

Scriptures of Syn, Chapter 6.


The vision of developers and respectively the end product, define the “rules” and the play style. Such factors form an environment, which inevitably modifies the players’ ingame behavior.

Not that one can’t play competitively in a non-competitive game and vice versa, but it makes a few sense. Like, if you want to roll around, buy a Prius. If you need the speed, get a Lambo. The opposite is an option, but makes no sense.

IMO exactly the game is what dictates the play style.