I searched this board for changing the color of the large health bar at the bottom of the screen but couldnt find one. For example to a dark green or brown.
Is there a mod that changes this i missed or even a way to set that color without a mod by editing some game files? I already checked out the color blindness settings, they change every color, it makes the game really not beautiful anymore.
If there isnt such a mod maybe someone with modding knowledge can help me how to get this about. Setting the color to any value would be great.
The health bar is based on a texture, tacked onto a dbr file. I have no idea which one, but I would suggest to start looking around the UI folder until you find it…
I know Ram changed this for his Reign of Terror mod
I browsed the whole grim dawn folder and the one where game states are located and didnt find a UI Folder. I dont know about modding in grim dawn. Do i need a tool to find that folder?
Actually i am playing Reign of Terror currently, it is great. And i just noticed he indeed changed th color of the resource from green to blue
You would have to extract the game files using the AssetManager to find the folder ASYLUM101 mentioned I believe.
Extracting the base game files is explained in the modding tutorial .pdf that comes with the game or can be found here. If in the future you want to extract the expansion files too, it’s as simple as adding some extra specific file paths in.