Yeah, I don’t know what I was doing with those MI’s lawl, I think it was OA% boosting. But due to a lack of sleep due to my brain being a douchenoozle I can not for the life of me recognise how to fix the resistances.
It’s not bad mind you, was able to facetank the Mad Queen with ease even when I fumbled hitting Mirror. Mainly because the gun pushes this builld’s survivability (and damage) up considerably. But yeah, Sorc’s art a pain to build for PRM due to all the skill points needed vs gear to maximise PRM damage
Some of that could be fixed through modifying the Invoker set though…
Greens were GDStashed as my ADHD doesn’t allow me to farm more difficult to farm MI’s…
And yeah, the low health is definitely a problem, but with the gear needed it’s hard to replace the pants and chest piece. While the PRM points the Myth.Paragon set gives makes it unavoidable to use despite it’s not so good resistances etc.
As for the BL augments - I do have access to them from running Vet and Elite, will probably use them to patch some stuff. But even then they wont quite fix the resistances (30%+ is my preference) so it’s using Seal of Might and the pant’s proc as a crutch.
Brain’s still deads (broken sleep sucks) so any help much appreciated and I’m out of coffeeeeee.
It’s a bit better, but yeah, stuck between a rock and a hard place with the armour, as there’s a lot of hard choices to make to ensure enough points for everything + enough OA to proc stuff.
Need rep with some of the other factions though, running through AoM at the moment, but so far, so good. Really want to find more health, but Sorc PRM is hards, did find non-double rare MI’s though to do the job.
And yes, I am insanes, but dropping Crown and Hand of Ultos doesn’t seem to have had quite as big as impact I thought :3 Devotions changes were inspired the elemental Luminari build in the build compendium and it increased OA/DA nicely.
Could I get Crown? Sure, but turns out Blackwater Cocktail does teh job with Agonizing Flames well enough. More consistent debuff too and procs Arcane Currents very well.
Sure, could have allied with Barrowholm, but no way this build could take on Ravager, not with it’s level of adcth + health and armour. Plus Ravager’s totes going to betray us down the road lawl. Which is also why I never give you-know-who the Iris of the Night.