Bring back the clock

Hello all!

We used to have a clock in the middle of the skill bar before the interface was changed to accommodate evade and the infinite potions.

When we hovered over this clock, the current real world time would appear at the top of screen. I found this quite useful considering how addicting this game is, so I could check if it was about time to stop playing and go to sleep or other things.

Since the interface change, I cannot find the clock anymore (if it even exists). I know that there is a “display time” option in the options, but that makes the time display non-stop. I can see people using this for speedruns or to time Crucible/SR, but for simply checking the current hour, it is too much.

Please consider bringing the clock back.

There does technically seem to be enough space below the evade button for the clock, and it would be nice for quickly checking the time (and would also allow removing the checkbox in options).

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Rather than cramming that onto the UI somewhere, wouldn’t it make more sense to modernize the toggled clock display and make a smaller less obtrusive one in the corner of the screen?


Maybe below the location name on the top right? Though it might have to be too small there.

Yes, I think a less obtrusive toggled clock display would be ok.

Could just slam it beside the mini map enlarge/normal size button.

for me the clock had sorta 2 functions
one being the mouse hover, just a reminder what time it was, neat/quick/simple, replacement to tabbing out or looking at the phone.
Toggle, for when i knew i was “on the clock” ex only had 15mins to play, and wanted to keep a close eye on the clock.
First use case got removed when the hover UI element got removed, and in either case i think i sorta want/like the clock being “obtrusive”/highlighted :thinking:, because i’m directly looking for the element/time counter. So if it’s more neutral i might just zone out on it/miss seeing the numbers

in the end i sorta doubt anything will be game breaking, if it’s crucial will just have tab out/set a 15min alarm on the phone i guess :sweat_smile:





I’ll have to make sure I’m updated, but with multiplayer the clock is not really visible due to other player info on top of it.

Is there something I am missing in the settings?

portraits covering clock should be fixed in next update i think Z said
*unsure if they were aware about MP, but i’m assuming it’s the same interaction as pet portraits atleast

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