Broken hand...can I play with just the mouse? Help!

Long story short…broke my left hand at work and its in a cast, a buddy let me borrow his gaming mouse with all the thumb buttons so I can still get my gaming fix…is it doable with GD? Played in early access but don’t remember much…any suggestions as far as what buttons to map to the mouse or a build to play? Or is there just too much for 1 handed play?

Help me out!


An extremely bored PC gamer in withdrawal

Depends on the mouse I guess.

I’m using a Logitech G600 with 12 side buttons:

Some of these buttons are mapped to the numbers 1-9 (not zero) so I can mostly select any skill on a hotbar with my thumb alone. I’ve also got camera rotation bound to the middle mouse button. Despite this, if you can’t use your left hand, you’ll still miss out on:

Y - for swapping hotbars
W - for swapping weapons
R - Health Potion
E - Energy PotionIf you don’t need the above (with potions bound to the hotbar), and you have something that vaguely satisfies your needs like the G600 would, then yeah, I’d say you could still keep at GD!

Hmm. You can even use keys only really. You can assign move and attack to keyboard and simply use the mouse to adjust direction. I actually use this strategy with rifle builds so that my guy/girl won’t stop every time i hover over smth.

Defiantly do able, even if you don’t have 12 side buttons like Master Ceno :rolleyes:

For GD, other than LMB and RMB, i only use 8 other buttons. Health pot, energy pot, exit, portal, and 4 skills. And that is plenty imo. :wink: I only find myself needing more buttons in ultimate or maybe the end of elite.

One other thing, Without knowing what mouse you are using, i find it better/easier to use the software for my mouse to bind the keys i want, instead of doing it in game. For me, i use a G602 Logitech mouse and i use the Logitech gaming software, and store my profiles on my mouses on board memory, way faster than changing in game bindings for multiple games in my experience.

Hope any of that helps :smiley:

Thanks for the quick replies boys!

@Ceno That’s actually the exact mouse my buddy let me borrow…logitech g600

@Arnge I’ll check that out…not familiar with a specialized gaming mouse like this but that sounds like a good idea thanks man.

@Superfluff I like it but unfortunately my left hand is totally useless atm… I can use the keyboard for stuff like opening inventory and quests but it’ll have to be with my mouse hand

Now I just need a build without a lot of hotkey juggling, space for potions to be bound to the mouse, and no need to swap bars or weapons…probably some sort of simple melee to avoid the need for force standstill…What do you guys think?

Stoked that I might be able to play!

Also…typing with 1 hand really sucks!

Ah didn’t notice it’s left hand.

I suggest any soldier shield build. Commando, witch blade, blademaster can all be good. The last 2 can be easier for a new self found player

Blitz+ deadly momentum+Menhir’s Bulwark and cadence. Leveled in that order. 5 pt overguard for oh shit(for starters). Don’t bother with shield training ti’ll elite

Bind falcon swoop to blitz. Easy peasy leveling.

Oh and use ectoplasms for mana issues from Blitz.

I often use four buttons and LMB in most of my simpler attack builds. Potions, the main damage source, and then either RR, or Mirror if I’m half Arcanist. I like to keep the skills down on most of my guilds. Most attack builds work fine like that, so it should be fine.
I’d avoid Demo, because that always suggests Flashbang and Thermite Mines, so you’d be up to five buttons at that point. Cadence is a good idea, most of that is just auras and passives, especially ranged. You can bind devotions to Cadence, and Markovian, and end up only using one button.


Just go ahead and tell him about a Click-less build.

…you know you want to. :cool::cool:

Due to a child asleep on one arm, I’ve done plenty of one handed Grim Dawn (hardcore too!) over the last couple of years, it works well enough :slight_smile:

You just have to not use many skills (I could do 6 with my logi g500) and always have healing pot mapped. Pace is also a little slower due to having to use the mouse hand for the occasional keypress.

It’s a good opportunity to try, er, more ‘focused’ builds :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. Just trying to give myself a crash course in game mechanics and pick a build to try out…maybe superfluff’s own:

I love me a good self sufficient meat n’ potatoes melee facetank banger hahaha

Will keep checking back here as I learn.

Just to add my own experience as well, I play with one hand with a razer mouse with 6 buttons. Mind that while it is doable I strongly suggest you to make a build that rely mostly on left click attacks, because doing complex rotations with mouse buttons is annoying and tiresome.

So basically your main attack is on the left click and you use mouse buttons for potions and eventually 1-2 spells that you use occasionally.

I’m not playing with one hand (as I have a shitty 2 button mouse lol) but with a mouse like the one you have you could clearly play the Crucible build I’m running as my main farmer. Look for Drizto DEE slightly crucible god.

Enter game use the mouse to swap the hotbar. Activate the Aura. Swap it back to your regular hotbar. Good to go for the whole session.

Then 1-2-3-4 are Damage Skill (this is counting one from the lvl 70 Relics) LMB is Blitz for movement RMB is CoF for Debuff. 5-6 are Overguard and Health Potion (two life-safer). Everything else is proc or automatic activation on life treshold.
I never use Mana Potion unless the ennemy got an Energy leech ability (so well unless I kill Loxmere I guess which without the ability to re-cast your aura easily I would simply not go to him)

I am currently running a fun little build that is basically holding down a key to move/run, and then occasionally clicking left and right on my mouse.

The cool part is that neither of those two mouse buttons is mapped to an attack. :stuck_out_tongue:

You need a gaming mouse with ~10 buttons on it (they’re usually used by MMORPG players).

even with a regular mouse it is playable. will have to wait to do stuff that requires the keyboard. yet all skills and actions needed in battle can be bound to the mouse. Depending on the number of buttons on the mouse will limit how many skills can actually be used.

like with a two button mouse. there is left click, right click, mouse wheel down, mouse wheel up, and middle mouse wheel to bind skills to. bind one of those to health potions and the rest to whatever skills the build needs and the keyboard becomes a rarely used item.

having more buttons on the mouse helps. it isn’t needed.

Try this build I never use my left hand with this build too tanky and chest armour is Devil’s cage hauberk and devil’s gear from faction devil’s crossing. Shield is Myrmydon’s gaurd and weapon is Superior pit master’s axe of aclarity or Warden’s verdict of Ruthlessness or any good peircing weapon