She led the charge where her plate armored companions hesitated.
Genuinely not sure how she survived this, besides obviously being made of 100% badass.
She led the charge where her plate armored companions hesitated.
Genuinely not sure how she survived this, besides obviously being made of 100% badass.
“Aw right, boys, to the gates, there’s nothing to defend them but one old woman hunter!”
“Wait a minute, just one old woman?”
“Yeah, Follow me!”
“Just one old woman hunter?”
“What I said, Follow me!”
“So, how’d she get to be an old woman hunting through them woods with all them wolves, bears, boars, and all?”
“Run fer yer lives, Lads, it’s a Trap!”
“What, over there, behind the Old Woman?” Arrrgghhhh!!!..
Seeking Medicine…how infectious is she!!!
Never mess with an old hag!
Survived on beans and spite
Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies!