Buff Shrines in the Shattered Realm

I am trying to get the achievement for this and I am wondering if the mechanic of finding them is bugged or supposed to happen.

Everytime I start from either shard 25, 40, 50 etc I get 2 shrines in the first attempted shard then nothing after that. Are they supposed to appear pretty much every level or 2, or are they supposed to be that sparse?. Also does difficulty affect how many you get in each shard? (I am trying on normal)


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It is completely random. I have read that the light blue shrine only spawns on SR 50+ (or is at least extremely rare below that), so I would recommend starting your runs at SR 50. I got the achievement playing on normal.

Thanks guys, I’ll keep trying (although running out of mats for shrines now!)

Took me forever to get the achievement… Id say only go on with it when you get the light blue rare one

I’m guessing that’s the death shrine? Ok I’ll keep that in mind.

Got pretty much all the others including all the hardcore ones, got this and the 18 pets one (not even sure how to do that one)

One of the most annoying achievements to get. Your best chance is to start SR in a lower difficulty to complete every shard as fast as possible while you collect as many shrines as you can before the buff from the first ones expire.

As somebody already said, definitely play on normal difficulty, to clear the shards as fast as possible. It seems like the chance for the light blue shrine to spawn below SR 50 is really, really low (if it is even possible at all). I played from SR 25 to SR 50 in one session and have not seen it once, google seems to confirm that is also the experience others had.
I have seen the light blue shrine between SR 50 and SR 75 in 2 out of 3 runs, so starting at SR 50 is my personal recommendation.

In terms of items, yeah I would definitely duplicate items on Xbox, or use GD Stash/GD Defiler on PC, but that’s also a personal choice.

For the summon 18 pets achievement, don’t worry too much about that. It’s not that hard to get, if you have the right items and devotions.

Just thought I’d post an update on this.

After many hours and attempts, I finally got the achievement. I can confirm the Death Shrine is not exclusive to level 50 and above, it appearerd over 10 times for me from levels 25-45. What kept halting me was I kept getting 4 of them and the last one just wouldn not pop up.

Shrine frequency is very random, some attempts I got 1 shrine in 10 levels, and others I got 4 shrines in 2 levels.

My advice for anyone going for this is to start from level 35, do 3 levels and if shrines do not appear to be spawning regularly, cash out and start again. I usually got the death shrine within the first 3 levels and only attempted for them all once I got that first. Eventually I got the achievement between levels 35-41. This achievement is very frustrating and takes a lot of patience, what helped me was knowing I was still getting loot even if I failed.

Hope this helps anyone else going for this.