Buffs Icons!!

Hello There

I just wanted to suggest adding Icons to some buffs that still have this lens flare icon :rolleyes: sometimes in fights I can’t notice the animation of the buff am getting and sometimes everything procs at the same time and I get 3 to 4 buffs with the same icon and sometimes I really need to know how much left for each buff… and it is very hard to hover over during fights… any little icon will do fine for Item and devotion buffs.

currently am using Wraith walk(boots), light of empyrion, healing rain, dryad’s blessing, Giant’s blood

Also another suggestion, If you can put items/devotion buffs that have a recharge time some place on the screen (icon+cd counter) so that the player can time attacks/defence based on these cooldowns instead of guessing the recharge time which also would make it super annoying for hardcore characters cause you need to wait extra time just to make sure :rolleyes:…

This is a great idea. It’s quite annoying not knowing what just procced from the devotion tree.

Zantai, all I want to know is if you’ll be doing this in the future or not?

Better readable buffs is definitely a must have. Timer on buffs would be really cool and tracking those would be much easier!


Yeah, I have this problem too. I have a hard time figuring out which skill/buff is being displayed because some buffs/devotions have similar (or identical) looking buff icons. Oftentimes, by the time I mouse over the buff Icon, it’s already gone.

A quick suggestion on interface

devotions Buffs: tree like shape with buffs circles on it that display cds.

items: something moba like that displays your current Equipped items with their CDs if they have skill (this might be too much but I also suggest adding toggle ability to turn on/off the chance ability) nevertheless what mentioned before the toggle thing (also improves weapon switch feature) and might look neater than 10 buffs on top of the HP bar.

keep skills buffs on top of hp bar
if I get anything ill else ill post it here :smiley:

It is a big loss that you do not know which constellation’s skill effect works and how much waiting time you can reuse. Improvement is necessary.

A quick fix could be to let us hover over icons while the game is paused

Yeah, this is what I am considering for a few days. I have been playing GD for a few months and I dont pay much attention to this. Until I stick Shadow strike to the proc Shield Wall, with 85% chance activated, so I need to know if it has been activated or not when I hit the boss, or I will die in seconds. Sure, any icon will be fine, just make them different.

And I think about the pause function, why cant we still can rotate the camera around and zoom in/out, I would like to see some bosses close, the design. Most of the time, I dont remember the enemies’ look as well as their names, they either die too fast or too strong that I have to run for my life.

You can do both ingame. Not with the pause active though.