That single hit dealt 18 448 damage and instantly killed me. The previous max damage I took was 11k from Crate of Entertainment, and now a random mob does almost double?!
After reading about the monsters’ attacks and stats on grimtools nothing even gets close to that amount of damage:
From my calculations, with the best possible RNG that attack can deal 6470 physical damage.
I have 2758 DA which gives the mob a 76.4% chance to hit me, 0% chance to crit me.
I have several skills that deal lots of OA shred, and I did hit the enemy first before I got hit. The enemy only hit me once.
I have Turtle Shell devotion at max level 25 (5150 damage absorb), which I think just didn’t trigger.
I have 1753 armor with 100% absorption (weakest point is boots with 1327 armor).
I have 7% physical resist. All my other resistances are overcapped.
How is this possible? 18k damage? Are the Animated Preserver of the Damned the new Crate of Entertainment? Is this some kind of bug??
Edit: here’s a link to my character in its current state:
Edit2: Link removed.
Animated Preserver charging hand clap attack can deal high physical damage.
Single target attack
Initial use timeout: 2 Seconds
Delay until next use: 5 Seconds
Range: Short
150 Energy Cost
1676 Physical Damage
690 Internal Trauma over 2 Seconds
Stun target for 1.8 Seconds
435 Reduced target’s Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds
You have very low physical resistance and somewhat low armor.
He probably spawned with some crazy affixes on his halberd as well. Those can get like 600% physical damage on them, so 1676 * 7 = 11 732 physical damage just from this.
Damn. I forgot about item affixes. That must have been it. Probably it was wielding a double-rare halberd with both affixes having +phys%.
Still, that makes me scared of ever trying hardcore because this just means that RNG damage is completely out of your control and you can get randomly 1-hit-killed by anything at any time…
So the monster’s 18448 damage was actually 19837 damage before my 7% physical resist. And assuming it hit my boots, it was 21164 damage before my 1327 armor. And that was with 0% crit chance; so imagine if it was a critical: it would have dealt 42328 damage? I can’t think of any character build that would survive a single hit like that.
Trust me… The biggest enemy in hardcore are not monsters but yourself - my first successful HC char was Chaos witchhunter and I died shortly after reaching lvl 100.
Because I was playing while being drunk af. (Loud applause please).
Also remember that phys res is far more important than DA. Also some kind of damage reduction is also kind of a must. Damage absorption (%) is very nice to have.
With a phys resist of 7% it is not unlikely to get a crit like this. Regarding HC: as you will play a lot more careful and focus a lot more on resists instead of damage, I wouldnt be too scared for it. With overcapped resists, 100% armor absorb and 25% phys resist there is nearly nothing that can crit you that high except for celestials and higher SR. I did my first passtrough with a Sorc that has Mirror+Maiven+Nulli+Blast Shield as protection, while using Ghoul in devotions covers you for unforseen high phys hits.
The critical multi doesnt work like this (critical hit is not double damage hit like warcraft 3), with 0% critical damage and such low OA this monster can only hit you for 1,1x damage (highest), so not more than 20k (before reduction).
Ah I forgot, critical damage has a base of 1,1x multi and it is accumulated if you have much higher OA than the mobs you hit (1,1 → 1,2 ->1,3…, diminishing) and bonus critical damage.
But that’s the thing: the 18k damage was not a crit. As I mentioned in the OP, my stats showed a 0% chance to crit on my DA.
If I changed my build to get 25% physical resistance, then I would take 14877 DAMAGE, which also means 1-hit-death for many characters. Hell, let’s make it 45% phys resistance: you would still take 11k damage from a single hit.
I still find all these numbers very hard to believe, even assuming the mob rolled insanely good affixes on the weapon.
Maybe you received a resist reduction debuff? Or you were fighting only that mob without anything else interrupting?
Another thing about crazy affixes is that some of them have X% chance for Y damage, like Relentless prefix has a 10% chance for ~500 phys damage. Maybe that played some role, it’s hard to tell now really.
Yeah I was fighting that mob alone in the middle of nowhere. That’s why it was so strange to just die like that. Also, the active mutators where “Poisonous” and “Resistant”, which made enemies have extra poison damage, and made enemies have extra elemental resistances.
I guess it’s hard to really tell now what happened exactly. I started recording video after this happened, but I’m not sure how much info you could get from a video anyway.
I’ve said this before some 6 years ago, and I’ll say it again: I wish there was a death log in Grim Dawn. Or maybe a death replay that showed how much damage you took from which elements and with which debuffs etc.
That would be the difference between the player saying: “WTF did I die?” or saying: “Ah! That’s why I died. I should improve my build.”
Oh yeah, definitely! I was being confused by my deaths most of the time back when I started playing. Sometimes I would get one-shot just right off the bat =)
It’s good to know it’s not just me. Now I’m just avoiding those mobs at all costs, I just cast spells from afar and never get into melee range. I can’t really change my build to get enough phys resistance to tank this kind of damage without completely destroying the core of the build.
Considering that it’s an unfinished build, with items missing, and that you don’t know the purpose of the build, it doesn’t surprise me that you would think that. Also, this is off-topic, so I removed the link.