Build 20 - Hotfix 1-5

v0.2.9.1 (b20 hotfix 1)


  • Added option to reset the Steam Cloud to the network options page.
  • Fixed a crash when unable to join multiplayer games.
  • Fixed a bug where player transfer stash and formulas were not correctly imported to the Steam Cloud (requires Cloud reset).
  • Fixed a bug where world map icons were offset when using ui scaling.
  • Fixed a crash when teleporting between some specific locations in multiplayer games.


  • Fixed an issue where breakable objects would sometimes spawn multiple copies of Food Rations in Multiplayer
  • FIxed an issue where some players had their progress on Murderers and Worse reset.
  • Fixed the stats on the armor affix “of the Arcane Blaze” to have % Aether damage instead of % Lightning damage, as was intended.

[Class & Skills]

  • Removed the hanging branch, for a cut transmuter, off of Blood of Dreeg in the Occultist Mastery.

v0.2.9.2 (b20 hotfix 2)


  • Fixed a bug where player/pet widgets would be positioned incorrectly when using UI scaling.
  • Fixed a bug where “skill points available” text would be cut off when using UI scaling.
  • Fixed a bug where sorting or filtering the server list would result in the list changing when selecting servers.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip was missing on the player health bar.
  • Fixed a bug where game mode text was not displayed on the UI for network clients.

v0.2.9.3 (b20 hotfix 3)


  • Fixed an occasional crash when entering the game.
  • Fixed a rare crash in multiplayer when monsters were killed.
  • Fixed missing credits button on main menu.
  • Fixed various inconsistencies in multiplayer server list sorting.
  • Veteran difficulty icon now shows in the multiplayer server list.
  • Fixed a bug where pvp damage could occur in non-pvp enabled games.
  • Fixed an issue where clients in a multiplayer game could not pass through open doors, particularly the Gates of Anguish.
  • NPC conversations will now time out if the engaging player is idle for a minute or more.
  • Fixed incorrect tooltips on item granted pet skills after leveling up.


  • Fixed an issue with the relic Arbiter granting more Elemental resist than it should. Now correctly grants a chance for this resist.
  • Fixed the tooltip on the skill granted by the Blightshard Amulet
  • Fixed the Reinforced Shell component to properly grant Shield Slam II

[Class & Skills]

  • Stun Jacks/Phantasmal Blades are now available for left mouse button use.

v0.2.9.4 (b20 hotfix 4)


  • Increased NPC conversation idle timeout to 150 seconds.
  • Banning a player no longer prevents everyone from joining a multiplayer game.
  • Progress dialog windows no longer clip cancel/ok buttons.
  • Auto party is set on by default for the first run of the game.
  • Hardcore column added to server browser.
  • Pets now attack other players and other pets in PvP.
  • Players can now target and attack pets in PvP.
  • The portcullis at Misery, and potentially other doors, now allow players to pass more easily.

[Class & Skills]

  • Updated the transmuter Breath of Belgothian to function as originally intended. It now reduces the cooldown by 4 seconds and adds 4 seconds to the duration of Pneumatic Burst while dual wielding melee weapons.
  • Fixed the transmuter Fevered Rage (for Bloody Pox) to no longer sometimes reduce cooldowns on enemy skills by 100%.

v0.2.9.4 (b20 hotfix 5)


  • Fixed some missing international fonts.


  • Fixed an issue with the rare component loot table which caused it to only generate Marks of Mogdrogen and Silvercore Bolts

Quick response indeed…Many thanks :smiley:

We haven’t crashed in multiplayer since grabbing the hotfix… Huzzah! :smiley:




Resetting the Steam cloud cannot delete local characters.

But it did though. I hit this (being the only thing in network options relating to steam cloud) and when I went back to the main menu my characters were gone.

Webm edition bug reporting action

Also while I’ve got your attention, wanted to make sure you’re aware this change hasn’t been applied

do a search of your computer for the save files. when the initial b20 went live my save files got shuffled around. so the game loaded from…i have no idea what but it wasn’t my save file. i simply did a search and imported it back into the new area.

Nah, I backed up my b19 stuff and did a completely fresh install for b20 to make sure everything is where it should be. Just spent most of yesterday playing and now I have to do everything over again.

you’d expect after second time you’d be more careful

In B20 characters are stored in a different location than in B19. They are now stored in Grim Dawn/save/main instead of Grim Dawn/SaveData/main. Maybe your old characters are still in the old location?

I actually can’t find my saves anywhere, even the one I’m playing right now.

Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grim Dawn\save
Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
are empty. No “savedata” dirctory in either grim dawn folder.

Load the game up and my character is still there though.

If i disable cloud saving in the “general” options menu then restart the game, my character disappears. Re-enable cloud saving, restart the game, and my character reappears. I’m like a goddamn stage magician up in this shit. Evidently I’m playing characters directly from the steam cloud with no local copies kept. That’s not how this is supposed to work. Would really like to get a copy of that character file because if I lose that shit again after just having spent most of the day playing I’ll probably stab myself in the face with a claw hammer.

Edit again: Thank gabe the steam cloud still uses the “_Name” folder structure for its temp files, was able to pull my character data from Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\46285792\219990\remote\save\main while the game was open

Bump for hotfix 2.

Crazy to see you guys are working this weekend yet :slight_smile: So am I :confused:

Everyone who worked for themselves can work in weekends and can do not work in every other day. Btw Crate is doing great job to make GD great game in every aspect, every patch for game is little happiness for me.

Bump for hotfix 3 changelog.

My button shows no credits.

“Fixed missing credits button on main menu.” means that the “credits button”(as in -itself) is not missing anymore, not “there are credits now”

I’m sure there’s sarcasm in there somewhere :slight_smile:

character saves are located here

C:\Users\your_name\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main\

and there is no reason to ever use steam cloud unless you’re playing on two different computers

you should uncheck the steam cloud setting in the Grim Dawn options in Steam