Build 20 - Multiplayer and Transmuters

Best change in B20 so far?

Sending a baddie flying with a smashing hit, and the body fountaining a trail of fluids behind it.

And sometimes, if you catch 'em just right, they spin while flying back.

So this is new?i noticed it when testing if last night but u thought i just didn’t noticed it was there before.

Awesome! Really fun sending those zombies flying and carefully made them end on the wall or double decker bed in warden lab living quarter lol

They’d ragdoll on death before. But now there’s a lot more fluids involved.

Just saw the news today! B20!
Time for creating a bunch of new character:)
Great work, as always!

After the small hotfix (8MB approx.) the small problem between the scalling of the world map and the UI scale option seems to be gone for good. Thanks!

Only the skill window remains glitchy (the skill point remaining indicator is partialy blocked by the mastery bar on higher UI scales), but that’s manageable.

Another little bug (at least I think it’s a bug) that I’ve found way back and it still there is that a random monster sometimes appear inside the fort right after I load the game, usualy in the room with the respec lady.

Id like to say something on address of transmuters… their tooltip says nothing to me sadly… with the damage reductions written there I couldnt imagine how it would work, until I tried one transmuter. I still dont know just HOW I deal so much dmg with it when it has -75% total dmg.
I dont know how for example forcewave would work when there is -90% weap dmg and forcewave itself has 75% only. Is it 90% down from 75% making it like 7.5% ? These things need to be explicitly stated I guess.
The transmuter text could be whole forcewave tooltip text there WITH the changes in action and highlighted instead only the changes and letting us be confused :smiley: or is it just me?

Just my take on that. Good patch btw.

Smuggler’s pass looks cool!
I especially liked the fighting between trolls and aetherials and the aether-corrupted ground. Hope to see more of that sort of large scale aether corrupted zones in Act3.

Appreciate also the reduction in reflect on enemies such as the skeletal knights. The fights are much smoother now.

Also, the warden’s laboratory with the new wooden floor in the living quarters fits much better now.

I have to test out all the transmuters, but the freeze on ring on steel is awesome:)

Really great work guys!

Cunning and Spirit increase the attributes of pets?

“attributes … scaling per level increased”. So the pets themselves have more cunning/spirit, meaning more damage.

Ah, thanks for clarification.

killed him 3 times and got 5 axes. I already love this patch :smiley:

Nice work, it’s time for another GD session :slight_smile:

Amazing patch notes, Crate. Can’t wait to start a new char and give this build a spin!

Best update ever.

Can anyone tell me how large this update is?

Think I saw 300 mb?

Could be wrong.

Actually I think it was 4-500.

I just wanted to point out. All the classes have a class specific relic below lvl 35 with awesome bonuses like +2 to specific skills and +1 all skills except for Occultist?

I think either make terror or torment an occultist specific relic with skill bonuses
It doesnt seem fair that all the other 4 classes even arcanist have that…

Blight, Solael’s Destruction and Dreegs Affliction all give +1 to occultist skills.

edit: Wait a sec…

Blight is the same type of Relic as the other ones, just has a higher level requirement. Guess that’s just how it goes sometimes.

Level requirements for relics are staggered so while Occultist may not get a +1 to all skills now, at level 50 the other mastery’s won’t get a relic that does the same. Perhaps Blight is considered to be a bit more powerful then the other relics…?

:mad: Seems like every time there is a update, patch or new build it Nerfs my characters. My pure NightBlade build lost over 300 DPS.
Personally I’d rather they add in the long (Now way to long) awaited Act 3. I suppose now it will be another 3 or more months until Act 3 will be available, hell it might not be here till 2015. I also didn’t see a reason for the complete overall of the game just to add in Multiplayer, but hey that’s just me.