Build 20 - Multiplayer and Transmuters

It’s always been known that the devs want to replace the NPCs’ scripts with proper voices the same as you have in other games like TQ. But it’s something that’ll only happen when the game’s complete and there aren’t any more side quests, etc, to be added.

also need the people and the money of course it is not very cheap to such a thing in a ARPG :wink:

You speak to the guy who asked you to find his assistant

Still cannot understand how to unlock Darlets dismantle with B19 characters that have done all quests. Just says “this inventor has not yet learned this ability” when I mouse over it.

What does Kasparov say when you talk to him? I may need you to send your character in so we can take a look.

With most of my characters Kasparov keeps saying something like “hi your the Taken, speak to the commander first before you speak to me” and when I speak to the commander he runs through all the quests again and Kasparov still says the same thing afterwards.

However I’ve just played one old character that’s been given a quest by him to get dynamite which is annoying as he has none and all my other characters have loads and I don’t seem to be able to transfer it through the stash.

orgasm I didn’t think they would release an update over the weekend.

Sounds to me like your character has had its quests reset (which means as far as the game knows, that character has never done the prerequisite quests). Did you experience any crashes? Unfortunately there is no fix for this.

No crashes and it’s odd that it’s happened to three out of the four characters I have. The quests have been reset apart from the blow up the blockade one, all the others like kill cronley I could do again.

Plenty of people offered to do the voice overs when they first said they would like to do this so that side might not be a problem if they’re willing to let the fans help. But money of course is the main factor. It doesn’t bother me either way. I found it a bit irritating when the game first launched, but understood the reasons behind not having voices yet, but I’ve gotten used to the scripts now. It would be nice to have voices, but it’s low down on my priority list. I’d rather have the ability to see completed as well as open quests listed as they were in TQ. With quests being added all the time it’s difficult to check with my older toons whether they’ve found them all or not. As I can’t see completed quests there’s no way to check short of going back to the quest givers again. :frowning:

yea, it would be helpfull to see a questlog where you can find your finished/unfinished quests :wink: but then again this is has such a low priority for me.

Not top of my list either, but I’d definitely put it before having voice overs added to the game.

Hi, I have a question about Steam Cloud save.

where is now the new save folder?

How can I copy-paste other “My games” characters save files from another PC that I don’t have in cloud save?
thanks :slight_smile:

Heh - so NO ACT 3 in build 20 :furious: ??? I KNEW…

this was already announced that there was no Act 3 in B20…

Just a question why did you think that there was Act 3 in B20? are you just to lazy to read some other misadventures or some thread about the upcoming builds?

Smuggler’s Pass was given a rework btw.

I’m saying that getting Radiant Gem is much too easy now. This component is too good to get it in so easy way. Mark of Mogdrogen is very hard to build and it’s actually not much better than Mark of Traveller; they’re almost same. With plenty of Radiant Gems I can have plenty relics as well. Don’t you think it’s too easy?

How am I to focus on my work or life when this happens?!

Bloody hell ! I have just visit Underground transit. Total massacre at one moment. Played on Veteran difficulty. Great work ! BTW 3d models of trolls in Smuggler’s pass are brilliant ! Thanks !

Steam cloud saving \o/