Build 20 - Multiplayer and Transmuters

Agree, it’s one of the thing that I can’t live without when I use my Soldier build!

Disable cloud saving to go back to normal

Did a few runs with my old characters and all seems fine accept my dual wielding nightblade seems to have been nerfed, does a lot less damage now and gets beaten up even on normal??

Where is the quest for unlocking dismantle, I can’t seem to find it?

you need to rescue darlet (the apprentice) then you need to make sure that you got to the point where you get dynamite, this will trigger a quest from kasparov

So how do I unlock it with my old characters who have already done all the quests?

Well, finally B20 is here! So thanks.
But… No level cap increase?? And the changes listed don’t add much to the game (except multiplayer).
Can’t believe we have to wait another couple of months (at least) for another patch and for NEW game content.
Everyone is all giddy and stuff but DUDES, it’s been months since act 2 was released and act 3 seems so very freaking far away…
I guess waiting is the ONLY choice.

I love the way “Eye of the Beholder” looks now. I feel like such a pimp with that hat. On the other hand “Slithscale Leg Wraps” make me feel like I’m wearing tights - tight tights.

Will be interesting to see the new Epics and gear available and like the new additions. “Conversion” - now that’s using the old noggin.

Off to download it now. Next decision is which class to play this update with first. :smiley:

Tried to kill bunch of zombies near starting town by level 35 grenader (they die from one hit). After 20 seconds of throwing stun jacks I gave up. New radius rocks!

uhm you can dismantle your items at darlet:

I love the new Guardsman’s set with the +2 skills, which is awsome !!! I do need to turn in my “Maw of the beast” shield and my weapon ‘’‘Touch of Malice’’ for the Guardman’s ones but i feel more tanky with it but doing less dmg.

Also the Voldrak area is looking much better.

Why getting Radiant Gem is so easy now?! With great percent armor bonus to Molten Skin, Dense Fur and Rigid Shell taken away, that makes collecting these components completely unnecessary. Always simplify, never making harder - that’s no good.
And Arbiter relic… Don’t you think it’s too powerful?

So it’s easier to make now…but it’s more complicated? I Don’t understand what you’re saying here. :confused:

Finally b20! Lots of stuff too!
The long awaited multiplayer.
So what is next? Act 3, Arcanist and Voiceovers … yum!

Whats this about voiceovers!??!?!

Everyone who followed the forums and the Misadventures would have been aware that the level cap wasn’t going to be increasing with this update and that Act 3 would be a bit off yet. Ya know how that saying goes about assuming right?

Have you even played the game? From the moment you boot it up you can see and feel the hard work they’ve been doing. It’s literally noticeable on every front.

Act 3 and Arcanist for sure. Voice overs would probably be after final release.

What about the ability to now get a cool new affix that is a good fit for your build ? There is no pleasing some people…

most interesting update since B17 IMO, pretty massive too.

Too bad it completely broke my “pure” (no mastery) build.

I did find the new set equipment changes interesting but IMO the cost of underpowering the specific pieces results in better chances of a power-player ditching them altogether in favor of unique non-set pieces. (at least that’s what I always ended up doing in other RPGs that utilized sets).

I do believe it is high time I restarted playing from the beginning…

I actually liked all the graphics changes I saw so far, I do like the new menu buttons better.

Start screen, I set those options once, so hardly an issue there

Mastery changes, have yet to check them out, my Demo + Soldier build seems to be better if anything, have yet to see Transmuters I like, they sound like they are weak, but I guess we will see

Item art, as I said, I liked all art changes I saw so far :wink: