Build 20 - Multiplayer and Transmuters

Sooo awesome! Thanks, guys!

Yes. Probably won’t see a cap increase until Act 3 gets released.

Blood of dreeg transmuter missing

Okay, so tons more new affixes… what about the problem of each new affix being added making it all the harder to get the affix you actually WANT?!

Now I’m going to have to sift through even more junk affixes. Yay. :undecided:

Yes, multiplayer!! This is the best that happened to me this month :smiley: thanks for your work!

True but now with mp it’s easy to trade for items plus the more itemization the more possible builds so you can always save items for later characters if you want.

Saturday morning, wake up 7:30 am… let’s check out for some news…

Arrrgh ! Omg, quick quick make some coffee and let’s test all that new features.

Thx for great work. (I hope I will find at least 5-10 mins to take a shower…)

Excellent news to wake up to on a Saturday morning in Aus, Zantai! A huge congratulations to all the Crate team - another big step forward in the making of Grim Dawn has finally been released! Now, to business:

First off, I loved these. I immediately ported to the Hidden Lab to see how the new unique assets looked, and to check out these new entries in Creed’s mini lore saga as well. The journals themselves are very well-written and the scene is eerily atmospheric, just how I like it. :smiley: I really do hope we get to see more of Creed following his escape from Krieg or just the Inquisitors in general; they are shaping up to be a most interesting lore faction indeed. (As their powers are slowly being revealed, etc.)


[li]Slightly reduced the numbers of monsters which spawn in the first challenge room of Steps of Torment. This room is one of the greatest challenges currently in the game, and it justly guarantees a blue item as a reward. However, the spike in difficulty was a little too high. In addition, Skeletal Golem heroes can no longer spawn here.[/ul][/li]

It does seem there is a bug in the fix for the challenge/death room. Reached third wave of monsters (after having survived four heroes already, no less!) only for TWO Skeletal Golem heroes, Grulgor the Diseased and another (of the icy variety) whose name I didn’t manage to catch, but they were there all the same. Needless to say, I fought on despite the surprise but was quickly slain when my squishy gunslinger was trapped by one of the heroes’ bone cage ability and swarmed. At least I can say I experienced the death room in all its glory before the nerf, even if I did think I was going in there without the chance of these guys spawning. :wink:

All in all, an awesome update that has rekindled my Grim addiction with this massive list of changes, even some unexpected ones like the updated stats of the Boots of Unseeing Swiftness - for one, they are actually pretty kickass now on my gunslinging Saboteur, who darts around and isn’t rendered completely vulnerable every time the enemy do manage to hit me. (The movement speed reduction on being hit is just right, I find)
A big cheers from me and I shall continue to provide feedback if necessary,
Younghappy :slight_smile:

This is great to hear. Congrats to Crate on getting build #20 out :smiley: Will download and play later in the day. Planning to start act 2 with a friend on our Soldier and Demolitionist. After a quick Warden and Depraved Sanctuary run though :wink:

“Set Bloody Pox to flat 5s duration and reduced cooldown to 3.5s”

This hasn’t updated properly for my existing occultist characters.

Created a new character and it looks like it’s a fault with the skill, as the default is still 3.3 second duration and cooldown is still 8 seconds.

My first few observations and feelins:

  1. Game UI is uglier than before, weird borders, color tones,
  2. Starting screen - removing radio buttons and replacing them by unfolding menus is bad idea, certainly does not help to speed up the process.
  3. Mastery changes - no comments, still shell-shocked from NB changes.
  4. Item changes - designers obviously have different view on how to make items attractive than me, moving on.

I’m going to wait for the final release of this game sometime in 2015 as I’m not willing to re-create my characters whenever developer releases new build. B19 and those 180 hours sunked into it were great fun though. Thank you Crate for that.

So many awesome changes! But my weekend is filled already :undecided:

Any ETA on the arcanist patch? :rolleyes:

Wow! Lots of changes, loving the transmuters although occultist seems to have one that goes nowhere.

Is there a full list of item changes somewhere as I noticed Warchief’s Glory has been changed.

Was NightChill’s damage lowered intentionally? I am pretty much geared towards it but now only deal about 230 damage with it. ,_,

Also… I saw that the missing transmuter will be added with the next hotfix, are the stats of it already to be found somewhere?

New UI looks much better, everything is clear and easy to see.

Don’t know what you’re talking about “radio buttons”, but the new start screen has everything on the one screen, seems much better to me.

this transmuter will be removed in the next hotfix not added :wink:

I do not like a lot of changes. Some are good (like with explosive strike) but most of them I just cannot understand.

Damn, that’s a lot of changes…Looking forward to the end of next week, when I can get off my tablet and back to my PC and play this.

Many thanks for all the hard work.

Nice. All my inventory at Carlile got removed/deleted when i synced my save with cloud.