Build 21 introduces Arcanist class and caster weapons!

Welp, there goes any chance of me getting to sleep tonight…and I still have half a work day between me and sweet, sweet GD time tonight.

Thanks for the hard work and awesome update!

Sweet!! already got 2 cards :smiley:

just asking (already asked around) but how do you earn these cards?

Good show, Crate. Gratz on progress :smiley:

Normally by playing the game you get how ever many cards out of the set to drop that can drop and the rest you get by trading/buying via steam.

OMG thank you for removing that door in the cultists lair!!!

Yeah~! Let’s rock!

I love this new patch. The change to chaos bolt is phenomenal, finally my dreams of the chaos-occultist can be realised! Before it was just too unreliable to use as main skill, now it works just great.

The arcanist mastery also looks very promising (especially albrecht’s aether ray…).

I was hoping to see the 3rd act but at least the new class character is interesting to see.
Removed Saved Game? and replaced it with “Quit to desktop” So I guess we just hope that it’s saved the current game played if we take a break and watch some TV and pause the game and then have some sort of connect lost.

Act 3 was never mentioned with B21.

Also the game saves by itself - I never used the option and I felt like it was for those who were paranoid that that game wasn’t saving.

The game consistently auto saves with every action you make. Invest into a skill, attribute, level up, picked up an item, got a piece of iron, scrap, a potion, a food ration, etc etc. It auto saves constantly.

was going to say that and also saves after every portal you “secure”

Excellent update. Thanks for continuing to make this game great!! :smiley:

That’s unfortunate. I really hate Steam trading cards. :furious: I hate getting them, i hate the flashing mail notification icon; everything about those stupid cards really triggers my OCD.

Is there a hack i can implement to prevent the game from communicating these “achievements” to the server without disrupting any other part of the game’s online/network capability?

put an icon for Grim Dawn on your desktop

launch the game from the icon instead of through Steam

you’ll never see the trading cards or anything else steam related (yes, Steam still starts, but you never see the Steam interface)

Chronley lv39!! THANK YOU CRATE TEAM!!
Maybe just maybe after trying with my thread

and it really happen! Now I can finally hunt lv33 tier chronley rings :slight_smile:

Very unexpected! happy to see this awesome update. Game is moving along nicely :slight_smile:

yeeeesssssssssssssss :wink:

Awesome!!! :slight_smile:

It really is wonderful!!!

Sweetness. My interest has been re-piqued.

And new Arcanist wallpaper for my background :smiley:

Many thanks, Crate!

This X infinity.

I have barely logged in to play since b20 has been released, so this is a nice update for me. Will be jumping back in now, finally :wink:

Early October indeeeed!