Build 30: Balancing Pass and Bug Fixing

I just updated the game via steam (1.5gb update) but when I start the game it still is b29 :frowning:

Please change the cast placement of Callidor’s Tempest to that of Lightning Nova. I absolutely despise clicking too far from my character and have him move to then cast.

There is a special black smith in the Necropolis that can convert Blood, Brains and Hearts into each type.

But i like speed based builds. Let me decide to stack it or not. Stat cap is a bad game design.

New map kicks several asses, like it a lot more than old one, but, to be fair — it’s not very grim dawn-y.

Some of my devotion constellation and half of my skills were hit. It seems I know how to pick them strong :slight_smile:

Shield block chance went from 97 to 76%, block recovery from 71%/113% to 49%/85% (normal/overguard), damage blocked ~100 points down. Well, that’s to be expected, hopefully I find some legendary shield soon.

Also lost about 400 hp, meh.

But mah gloves, mah dear Wyrmbone Handguards! QQ. I was soo loving that proc, and how it stacks with Forcewave really nicely, and you went and change +%6 at.speed to +8% cast speed (and dropped 14% elemental resist as a bonus, heh). Yeah, I may be a Battlemage, but I’m more battle than mage :slight_smile:
Good thing I do have Voidsteel Gauntlets lying in storage, and they magically gained +13% at.speed to existed +13%cast speed. Shame their proc is critical-hit based, and I’m not a highly OA type of guy. Couldn’t Wyrmbone got Voidsteel treatment and grant both cast/attack? :wink:

Well, at least at.speed on Squad Tactics is back. Also now want to try out Markovian’s, with it improved animation speed. What about Zolhan’s, btw? Suffered from same issue.

Anyway, great work guys, thanks much, love and beer, and stuff!

that doesn’t address the runspeed cap

Undocumented :
Flame touched now has bonus flat fire dmg and %fire dmg seems higher
Temper now has bonus flat phys dmg , %pierce dmg and fire retaliation changed to all retaliation.

I would like to see Reanimator’s HP buffed, they’re fascinating mobs but they die too quickly IMO. Also, I think their summons should stay alive post the Reanimator’s death.

Just my $0.02

Been away for a few months, am excited to get back into the game with the B29 final content and B30 adjustments.

I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but is there any news to share on performance optimization? I thought we’d see some in this build, but I don’t see any in the notes. Coming in B31?

Pretty sure that was done in B29. They have the same cast range behavior.

Players were too fast? :stuck_out_tongue:

So, my Aether Ray warlock just got somewhat screwed over by this, Clairvoyant’s Robe just got chaos to aether conversion, and Albrecht’s Duality has been made the opposite of what it was, now also converting from chaos to aether instead of aether to chaos.

Thankfully Tainted Power seems to take precedence and keeps Aether Ray 100% chaos, but my Doom Bolt’s damage has been destroyed. The warlock had a rather slim selection of gear as it was, another option has just been removed.

If you were going to slap chaos>aether conversion all over items, you could at least have put an aether damage bonus on a lot of the items boosting Occultist chaos spells.

I’m so excited for next build and final, official release version.

Great works, despite of lack of space in stash :wink:

Thank you for this update. Grim Dawn is going to be king of sp hns arpgs for a looong time to come.

Awesome! Just what I wanted.

You forgot to do the same to Ulzuin’s Chosen though :wink:

I noticed Achievements are available but no information is listed on them nor any notes about them in the change-log.

Any information regarding this?

Reducing the damage along the entire dual blades line on Nightblade does not make sense. It was in a good place for Ultimate. Build’s should be focused on what they can do along the way and at endgame. This got a reduction in damage for no real reason. All normal mobs die fast, now I get to beat on hero monsters and bosses for a longer amount of time and hope they don’t kill me.

I Applaud you guys on the new map!!!

Um, no?

I’m pretty sure they’ve been around for some time m8.
They are just not enabled. Looks like they are waiting for release. Dunno why, maybe balance or they might not be final. :slight_smile:

That is a difficult combination to balance for, ultimately decided to focus those items on the Aether side, but I can see creating some counters to that in the future and focusing more on the Chaos side.

Work in progress.

Enemy health, damage, OA and DA scaling was reduced in ultimate. The reduction is to compensate for that fact. Besides, the only skills that received much of a change was execution. The other skills are almost exactly the same.

Can people please actually try the changes before crying about them :undecided: