Build 30: Balancing Pass and Bug Fixing

First impressions from a shield user.

It got a bit weaker, and now you actually need to use Overguard to reach 100%.

It’s fine, I prefer it this way… more involved! See strong enemies, trigger overguard. Still strong!

Pointer: Avenger mentions “unleash the combined energy of the blows absorbed by your shield” but doesn’t actually require a shield any more.

Thank you!

Now thats a changelog.

EDIT: Those arcanist changes are amazing!

Thanks Crate, this weekend is going to be pretty crappy and now I have something to brighten it up. I want to hand forge you all medals for the Star Pact skill alone.

Attack speed is capped at 200% and run speed at 130%. Why?

OUCH! My HC Warder went from 85% block recovery to 50%.
At least wendigo totem got buffed to keep me live.
Also don’t really see why’d you use Devil’s Crossing top ring/ammy augments for shields.
Block Recovery was the only thing going for them.

This is what I was wanting to comment on. Star Pact is going to be amazing for my Shadow Strike build.

I’m curious to see if Lethal Gambit is now worth using.

Thanks to the devs.

I have to vent alittle.

I understand, and have also commented, on the fact, that we are still in early access stage, and the game will change, but…:furious:

The change to the Soldier’s skills, has ruined it.(for me) I noticed the change with the attack speed on Squad Tattics, and so I put points into mastery to get Oleron’s Rage for the change. Now that it is back on Squad, I have lost all my points into the mastery, because, as we all know, you can’t buy them back. So, now I have to remake my character…or do I? :eek: Hmmmmmm, did I back up save???

Nope. just remembered, I did not back it up. What sucks the most, is that it’s not just a normal rebuild. My character is level 75, and we all know fast your toon levels after 70. Takes forever, without doing quests and getting that massive quest bonus. I guess I just have to accept the fact, that will have to back up my main char’s often.

I read through the update, and it does look good. I don’t agreed with bringing down some of the damage from Nightblade’s dual blades, just because others are finding ways to do insane amounts of damage. Remember, your average player isn’t going to spend endless amounts of time, figuring out the mechanics, to hit the insane amount of damage. They may read what people post on the forums, but I can guarentee that there are builds that are godly, that haven’t been posted, but that is a topic for a different thread. Keep up the good work!!

I went to play this game before work to relax and there was an update! At first I was like …

But then you updated the damage tooltips, and cleared up the confusion of shrines on the map, and that was before I read the mastery changes and then I was like,

In summary,

cast speed is also capped at 200%. i was really confused when pneumatic burst was no longer increasing either my movespeed or my cast speed. other than this specific change, though, this might be my favorite patch to date, but the speed cap changes aren’t a small deal.

Improved every one of my awkward builds, awesome!

Interested in this too. Haven’t checked. will go do now.

I do understand this. I’ve been hesitant to play the game. I do believe there is still at least a blank level 50 character in the build forums. Possibly a level 60?

Hope taht helps.

Actually it’s not bad.

Attack/Cast Speed on gloves and weapon/offhands turned into the stat that had to be there or the item was shit. Now there is room for items without speed.

The speed cap is fantastic.

No mention of adjusting drop rates for rare crafting materials. At a complete roadblock on getting Tainted Brains.

And I was just thinking not 2 hours ago, when the heck is that patch?!?!

maybe in an earlier build, but with the way stats are given out in b29/30 it’s trivially easy to reach the cap, and it makes items less valuable than their stats imply they should be. i logged on more than 20% over-capped.

Thank you very much, I love this new update.
But I think my mission is bugged, I killed the final boss but never turned in the quest I was waiting to level up a bit. But now the quest is completely gone, removed from my quest list I can’t progress or turn that quest in for rewards.

Same thing really. I can shed ~30% on my Spellbreaker so that Pburst does more than heal me.

It opens up some interesting glove options so I like it, tbh.

Pretty much this:

These stats were a bit too dominant and distributing them on gear/skills was a problem because of how well they scaled.