Build Compendium IX (Ashes of Malmouth)

Warder (Shaman + Soldier)

  • [2H Melee/Caster] [] (c+)(g3)(vid) Wildblood Warder - absolutely immortal, no greens, super easy 170 clear (Saw)

    • Damage: Vitality, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Grasping Vines, War Cry, Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Totem, Haunt, Bloodthirster
    • Passive Skills: Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Brute Force, Counter Strike, Field Command, Fighting Spirit, Menhir’s Will
    • WPS Skills: Feral Hunger
  • [Melee/Caster][] (g3) Storm Keeper (Strannik)
    scroll down to the second build in that post

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Aether Corruption, Blitz, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem
    • Passive Skills: Stormcaller’s pact, Mogdrogen’s pact, Field Command, Stormcaller aura
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Melee][] (g3) Wraith of the Storm (Strannik)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Primal Strike, Blitz, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Chain Lightning
    • Passive Skills: Stormcaller’s pact, Mogdrogen’s pact, Field Command, Stormcaller aura
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Melee] [] (c+)(g3)(vid) Ymirsiol, the Storm Titan - Ultos Savagery + PS Warder, Gladiator farmer (10 minutes) (Veretragna)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Blitz
    • Passive Skills: Field Command, Stormcaller’s Pact, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller Aura, Whirling Blades, Menhir’s Will, Fighting Spirit
    • WPS Skills: Feral Hunger, Upheaval
  • [2H Melee] (g2)©(vid)[] Warder (Archangel2245)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Storm Totem, War Cry, Wendigo Totem
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s pact, Field Command, Oleron’s rage, Brute Force, Fighting Spirit, Will of Menhir
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Ranged/Caster][] (c+)(g3)(vid) Gutripper Warder 150-170 Gladiator Farmer (Excelsiar)

    • Damage: Bleed, Vitality
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Grasping Vines, War Cry, Soul of Nazaran
    • Passive Skills: Counter Strike, Field Command, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Primal Bond, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: Feral Hunger, Upheaval, Blood Spines
  • [Melee][] (vid)(g3) The Blood Knights - The Unstoppable Bleeding Force Warder (Tz Tz)
    scroll down to the dual-wield Warder builds

    • Damage: Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Savagery, Blitz, Blade Arc, Wendigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Soul of Nazaran, Summon Deathstalker
    • Passive Skills: Counter Strike, Oleron’s Rage, Primal Bond, Field Command, Fighting Spirit, Military Conditioning, Scars of Battle, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: Markovian’s Advantage, Direwolf Claw
  • [Melee/Caster][] (c+)(g3) Nature’s Avenger - A Phys/IT Titan - the 2h reign begins - Gladiator 150-170 in 11 min (Superfluff)

    • Damage: Physical/Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Doomforce, Ground Smash, Devouring Swarm, War Cry, Blitz
    • Passive Skills: Field Command, Oleron’s Rage, Presence of Might. Mogdrogen’s Pact
    • WPS Skills: Zolhan’s Technique, Feral Hunger, Upheaval
  • [Melee/Caster][] (c+)(g5) 2h Bleed Warder 170 Butcher (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Bleed, Physical
    • Active Skills: Blade arc, Debouring Swarm Blitz, Savagery, Grasping Vines, Wendigo Totem
    • Passive Skills: Oleron’s Rage, Field Command, Whirling Blades, Counter Strike
    • WPS Skills: Zolhan’s technique, Feral Hunger
  • [Melee/Caster][] (l)(vid)(g4) Electrocute Warder(???) - A shockingly versatile build (jajaja)

    • Damage: electrocute/lightning
    • Active Skills: Savagery,stormtotem,wind devil,wendigo totem,blitz,haunted steel
    • Passive Skills: stormcaller’s pact, eye of the storm relic aura, mogdrogen’s pact, field of command
    • WPS Skills: Zolhan’s technique, Feral Hunger, upheaval
  • [Melee][] (g3)©(vid) Nature Avenger - Vengeance of Bleeding Warder (AdamNavel)

    • Damage: Physical, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: War Cry, Bleeding Arc, Blitz, Wendigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Savagery
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogens Pact, Primal Bond, Menhir’s Will, Military Conditioning, Veterancy, Tenacity of The Boar, Storm Touched, Heart of the Wild, Oak Skin
    • WPS Skills: Blood Pact, Feral Hunger, Zolhans Technique, Fighting Spirit