Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Channeler] [] (sr+) (vid) [Sentinel of the Underworld/2H Vitality EoR] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Wendigo Rush, Bloodthirste
    • Passive Skills: Possession, Solael’s Witchfire, Presence of Virtue, Resilience
    • WPS Skills: None
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+)(vid) [2H Melee Chaos Savagery] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Wendigo Totem, Amatok’s Breath
    • Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Severed Faith, Void Weapons, Deadly Aim
    • WPS Skills: Upheaval
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Are meme builds allowed? I suppose I could submit this one, as it is technically quite playable :rofl:

  • [Shield Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Dawnshard Dave - the all-Dawnshard Paladin (Torzini)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Rune of Kalastor, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Stormfire, Summon Guardians of Empyrion
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:heavy_heart_exclamation: Dragon

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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Barctician/Physical Blade Arc Tactician] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Blaade Arc, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Blitz, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Violent Delihts
    • Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Field Command, Deadly Aim, Menhir’s Will, Fighting Spirit, Counter Strike, Whirling Death
    • WPS Skills: None
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Ferocious Arc/Fire Blade Arc] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Ground Smash, Blazing Charge, Blazing Eruption
    • Passive Skills: Menhir’s Bulwark, Vindictive Flame, Flame Touched, Field Command, Menhir’s Will, Blast Shield, Prismatic Aura, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: None
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+)(vid) [Cold Upheaval Trickster] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostbite
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Wind Devil, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Wendigo Totem, Amatok’s Breath
    • Passive Skills: Stormcaller’s Pact, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Heart of the Winter King, Whirling Death
    • WPS Skills: Upheaval

  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Bloodrender Swordsman/Vit-Bleed Trickster] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Bleeding, Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Ring of Steel, Devouring Swarm, Pneumatic Burst, Wendigo Totem, Bloodthirster, Blade Barrier, Wendigo Rush
    • Passive Skills: Primal Bond, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Devouring Darkness, Presence of Might
    • WPS Skills: Whirling Death, Belgothian’s Shears, Amarasta’s Quick Cuts, Execution
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Hey, Dragon!

Could you please update the following build?

  • [2H Melee] [] Brothers in Death - Death Keeper (Strannik)
    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Dreeg’s Wounds, Ill Omen, War Cry, Bloodthirster, Mark of Torment
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+)(vid) [Acid SS Dunefiend Witch Hunter] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Curse of Frailty, Pneumatic Burst, Blood of Dreeg, Amatok’s Breath, Blade Barrier
    • Passive Skills: Possession, Veil of Shadow, Solael’s Witchfire, 2x Envenomed Weapons
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Amarasta’s Quick Cuts, Whirling Death, Execution
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [S&B] [] (sr+) (vid) [Bonemonger’s Smite/S&B Aether Oppressor] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ill Omen, Bone Harvest, Siphon Souls, Ascension, Mark of Torment, Incorpereal Winds
    • Passive Skills: Harbinger of Souls, Spectral Binding, Presence of Virtue, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Resilience
    • WPS Skills: Smite, Shattering Smash, Reaping Strike
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Deathguard SS Reaper] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Bone Harvest, Pneumatic Burst, Amatok’s Breath, Mark of Torment, Call of the Grave
    • Passive Skills: Harbinger of Souls, Spectral Binding, Veil of Shadow, Blade Barrier, 2x Envenomed Weapons
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Whirling Death, Execution, Reaping Strike, Necrotic Edge
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  • [2H Hybrid] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) A Riot of Colors and Elements - Elemental RA Apostate (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Cold, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Aether Corruption, Ill Omen, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment
    • Passive Skills: Aura of Censure, Spectral Binding
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Hello, Dragon!

Could you please update the following build?

  • [2H Melee] [] Brothers in Death - Death Executioner (Strannik)
    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Dreeg’s Wounds, Ill Omen, War Cry, Bloodthrister, Mark of Torment
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Hey Dragon, could you please add this one as well as the other ones? :partying_face:

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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Thunderous Conjurer] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Curse of Frailty, Wind Devil, Blood of Dreeg, Sigil of Consumption, Chaos Strike, Wendigo Totem
    • Passive Skills: Stormcaller’s Pact, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Solael’s Witchfire, Prismatic Aura, Stormcaller Aura
    • WPS Skills: Korvaak’s Brand, 2x Burning Void
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Thanks Dragon :slight_smile:

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Nightshade Dervish/1.1 sec SS] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Scorpion Strike, Ascension, Blade Barrier
    • Passive Skills: Path of the Three, Veil of Shadow, Presence of Virtue, Presence of Might, Resilience, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blade Spirit
    • WPS Skills: Smite
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<3 Dragon

  • [2H Melee/Totems] [] (sr+) (vid) Stormreaver: Lightning Savagery/Totems Warder (A_S00)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Storm Shard, Wendigo Totem, Blitz
    • Passive Skills: Field Command, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact, Stormcaller Aura
    • WPS Skills: Markovian’s Advantage, Zolhan’s Technique, Feral Hunger, Upheaval, Burning Void
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