Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

Thanks Dragon :slight_smile: It’s very praiseworthy of you keeping the moderation of this Compendium since you already retired from GD so no hurries.

  • [2H Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) [Vitality Wind Devils Ritualist] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Oblivion, Wind Devil, Bone Harvest, Raveneos Earth, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Totem, Mark of Torment, Amatok’s Breath
    • Passive Skills: Harbinger of Souls, Spectral Binding, Mogdrogen’s Pact
    • WPS Skills: -

  • [S&B Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [S&B Bleeding/Pierce Goredrinker] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Bleeding, Pierce, Physical
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blade Arc, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Blitz, Inquisitor Seal, Violent Delights
    • Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Field Command, Counter Strike, Presence of Might, Deadly Aim, Menhir’s Will, Fighting Spirit
    • WPS Skills: -

  • [S&B Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Cadence-Blitz Markovian] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, War Cry, Curse of Frailty, Doomforce, Blood of Dreeg, Violent Delights, Overguard
    • Passive Skills: Oleron’s Rage, Field Command, Solael’s Witchfire, Presence of Might, Whirling Blades, Menhir’s Will, Fighting Spirit
    • WPS Skills: Markovian’s Advantage, Zolhan’s Technique