Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

Perhaps you should add it to the beginner builds section?
You can always provide some pointers with what gear to look out for, freebie items, faction items, some leveling advice etc.
A beginner need help with that.

I understand your logic, but this is what most would call a sketch or draft. So far there’s an established tradition that a build is a mirror image of your character. Another tradition is to submit only builds of characters that are close to level cap.

It is perfectly fine to post sketches / drafts on the forum as well as have a thread for your work in progress build, but you can’t submit it into compendium before it’s in a more or less finished state.

No, don’t think so.

The Character had finished before. I’m simply trying to reuse it for Forgotten Gods. So I wouldn’t really call it a draft or sketch. Just simply a core build, up to the user to what gear to use.

Isn’t there a rule that all builds added to the compendium should be already tested builds? So that whenever someone asks a question about your build, you can at least answer it cause you’ve played it. If you submit a grimtools without items, it won’t be acceptable unless you tested it without the items

@computertech82 is the build you linked playable without items? Cause if yes then I’d accept it if I’m in charge. If it’s not then it shouldn’t be in this compendium, even on beginner builds cause when a beginner sees this, equips their stuff that don’t have anything related to pets and gets dumpstered on ultimate. You’ll be the one getting hate posts for that.

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If this rule was ever in effect then it wasn’t documented. Previous iteratiion of compendium only had a line that “Testing the build up to max level before posting is highly suggested”. This allows a lot of loopholes to be honest. E.g. you could try to sneak into compendium a 100% theorycrafted build that never was tested. Or you could submit your level 10 build. Somehow people didn’t happen to abuse that before, so I decided not to formalize that. The post really didn’t age well huh

Well, since it did happen then I’ll have to formalize it, should be done before the end of the week.

Let’s not go in circles on this. Like I said before, I understand your logic, but that doesn’t make it an acceptable submission for compendium. Get your character to level 90-100, upload it to GT to get a link to it, and post it in your thread, then you could have your build in compendium. You could leave your “core” build as an extra.

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I feel a disturbance in the force. Another Pet build to balance the light and the dark:

  • [Pet] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) The Lazy Hour - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Summon Familiar, Summon Eldritch Talon, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Call of the Grave, Sovereign, Witching Hour
    • Passive Skills: Possession, Bonds of Bysmiel, Spectral Binding, Presence of Might
    • WPS Skills: none
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Tavabunga! @Stupid_Dragon

New build Mage Hunter

  • [Caster] [] (g3) (sr+) (vid) Kiki Highsmith Albrecht’s Fire Ray (No Greens) (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal
    • Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Arcane Will, Deadly Aim, Aura of Censure
    • WPS Skills: none
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  • [DW melee] [] (g4) (sr) (vid) A Meme Or Not A Meme - Lightning Trickster (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Wind Devil, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, ABB, Pneumatic Burst, Aether Corruption, Ultos’ Arrival
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller’s Pact, Celestial Presence, Veil of Shadow, Aetherward, Aura of Storm
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Whirling Death, Execution
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Hey, Stupid Dragon, couple of more builds from me:

[Caster] [g3] [c+] [sr] [] Apocalypse Now: 6:40 Crucible, SR 65-66, Fire/Vitality no greens hybrid caster Defiler [g3][vid][c+][sr] (Mad_Lee)

  • Damage : Vitality, Fire, Vitality Decay, Burn
  • Active Skills : Blackwater Cocktail, Ravenous Earth, Mark of Torment, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Siphon Souls, Bone Harvest, Displacement
  • Passive Skills : Presence of Might, Aether-Ward, Vindictive Flame, Flame Touched, Harbinger of Souls, Spectral Binding
  • WPS Skills : none

[Melee] [g3] [c+] [sr] [] The Big Cool: 6:40 Crucible, Meme-Powered no greens Cold Blade Arc Blademaster [c+][sr][vid][g3] (Mad_Lee)

  • Damage : Cold, Frostburn
  • Active Skills : Blade Arc, Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Displacement
  • Passive Skills : Aether-Ward, Field Command, Oleron’s Rage, Blade Spirit, Heart of the Winter King, Veil of Shadow
  • WPS Skills : none
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Updated this section of the compendium. Do tell if there’s some problem with it.


Please add my new build to the compendium, Stupid Dragon, thanks in advance !

  • [Ranged] [] (g4) (c+) (vid) Lightning 2h Ranged Vindicator, Gladiator in ~ 7 minutes (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Savagery, Wind Devil, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Words of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Displacement
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller Aura, Aura of Censure, Electrifying Weapons
    • WPS Skills: Feral Hunger, Upheaval
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Why is it not sticky/pin? It would help if it is

Is there a single thread stickied for you? If yes then open it and you get your answer.

Because it’s stickied here

Tavabunga, @Stupid_Dragon

It’s update to


  • [Pet] [] (g3) (sr+) (vid) Allison Taylor Ghol’s Malice (No Greens) (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Pet
    • Active Skills: Devouring Swarm, Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Wendigo Totem, Bone Harvest, Summon Blight Fiend, Call of the Grave
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s Pact, Primal Blood, Spectral Binding
    • WPS Skills: none

Mage Hunter

  • [Caster] [] (g3) (sr+) (vid) Kiki Highsmith Albrecht’s Fire Ray (No Greens) (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal
    • Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Arcane Will, Deadly Aim, Aura of Censure
    • WPS Skills: none
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Let’s celebrate the new patch with a new killer beginner build :open_mouth:

Thanks in advance for all the hard work with the compendium and hope you have great time with the new patch!

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Hi @Stupid_Dragon! I’d like to submit my build to the compendium.

[Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr) Rain of Fire! Carpet Bomber Sorcerer - Gladiator 170 sub <6 mins (Adam_Bomb)

  • Damage: Fire, Burn
  • Active Skills: Mortar Trap, Devastation, Apocalypse, Stormfire, Thermite Mines, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Vindictive Flames, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Star Pact, Arcane Resonance
  • WPS Skills: None
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  • [Caster] [] (g5) (c+) (sr+) (vid) PATH OF DESTRUCTION - PB Trickster CG 151-170 <6min (poisonman2)

    • Damage: Vitality, bit Bleeding, bit Chaos
    • Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Ring of Steel, Wendigo Totem, Pneumatic Burst
    • Passive Skills: Stormcaller’s Pact, Veil of Shadow, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Blade Spirit, 2x Aether Ward, Eldritch Ruminations
    • WPS Skills: none
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  • [Melee/Caster] [] (g4) ( c ) (sr-) [] Saryn - the bloody thicc witch (Crucible farmer) (M1litarist)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Bone Harvest, Sigil of Consumption, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Displacement
    • Passive Skills: Spectral Binding, Solael’s Witchfire, Possession, Whirling Blades, Presence of Might
    • WPS Skills: None
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That’s quite a few new nicknames. :smiley:

I’m rather tired, so everything will be added tomorrow.

To everyone - I’ve added an experimental Leaderboards section inspired by this thread. If anyone wants to participate then just say so and link your build thread, no particular formatting. Rules: gladiator crucible only, 3 buff 1 banner, no potions, only video proofs.