Build Help [] Righteous Retaliation


Preamble: So yeah, first time posting here, tired AF hence the username. I’m trying to do the final min/maxing of a build here before I respec in game. Usually I do my theorycrafting in games on my own or with a mate or 2 but figured I’d try it on a forum for once, see if it makes it more or less fun doing it as a team.

As you can probably tell the idea is to use retaliation damage on righteous fervor for the main attack and sigil as the right click. I was jumping around a lot in min maxing and I think I’m like half way between two changes atm in the masteries and probably components too so don’t pay too much attention to them.

Outtro: I just realised while posting this that grimtools does actually take the DA buff from fervor into account -_-. I’ll just blame the tiredness, legit excuse. Lemme know if I need to do anything for the formatting or any tags I didn’t think of for the forums etc.

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Reserved space

that’s a good concept but this one is hard to make it viable. i taked a look at ur build and first thing what can i say is u need to change the weapon ur playing acid u already have from dreeg reproach 100% physical damage converted to acid and in soulblade u have 100% physical damage converted to fire damage that’s not good at all + i want recommend u to ply with dreeg eye+rightoues you have to many active skill’s h ere are u sure u can handle them all in a fight ? (crucible,SR65+), devotion u need rumor and hungering void+ at least ur speed attack is 150 without buffs etc…

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The concept is interesting, but the issues I see are:

  • the retaliation damage is spread around between a lot of types and each type does not have much Resist Reduction other than from Manticore+CoF and the % boost is not very high (1300%ish)

  • non-retaliation damage is also spread around and likewise has limited RR and the % boost is not very high to each (1000% or less)

  • in ultimate, most mobs have a minimal resistance to everything (even dummy has 18% iirc)

  • bonuses to retaliation do not help bonuses to non-retaliation and vice-versa

  • the current leech from Sigil and bat will be minimal due to the lowish %damage bonuses for those types.

So, my thought would be to focus more on either the retaliation side or the non-retaliation side. It looks like your devotions suggest that you want to get hit a bit and you want to slap some RF, which to me means:

  • focus on the retaliation % and flat rather than the non-retaliation
  • aim to one dominant type of retaliation damage so you can focus on the RR from that type (devotions). It roughly works out to a damage boost equal to the % RR (both non-retaliation and retaliation)
  • and if you focus on %retaliation, you don`t have to get to concerned over most item boosts other than %retaliation bonuses. But you do have to be aware of type conversions.

So, this is an example of how I might see your idea: A variation on the build

  1. as was mentioned by DEFO, you probably do not want RF to convert your physical to fire, because this includes all of your physical retaliation bonuses, as well. You’ll lose the 50% convert from fire->acid with the transmuter but the damage gain from 100% phys convert is probably worth it.
  2. this focuses more on acid retaliation with an extra 60% RR from OK`s celestial and Murmur devotion. The 3 set is good for big acid retaliation numbers.
  3. devotions are tricky, as you need some sustain, but also want % retaliation and want some on-hit stuff too. compromises…
  4. I went with higher %adcth and ghoul for the sustain, which should be adequate. Sigil is only to slap down some stacking 10% retaliation over time for some extra damage + DEE is basically the same. I am really not sure how much value these will provide.

Take it as an idea pool for your developing concept. RF speed could be focused on, as well. OA is low but iirc high enough to not miss (crushing verdict fills in when Ascension is on cd). DA is just enough to not get crit, but also low enough to get hit a lot.

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Thanks for the feedback. Looks like I had incorrect info on how resistance debuffs worked. Just checked the game guide and you can stack them. Was avoiding murmur and the guardian cause of wrong info.

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