I am looking for some build help with this guy. He seems under powered and is easily killed by nearly any totem creature. I have a lot of lvl 94 gear and I am hoping it will help when I reach it. In the meantime I am asking for any suggestions that may help me survive better. Thank you!!!
You are doing good in the following 1 damage type (almost), which is lightning. That’s a plus.
Now problems straight away I see are, that low armor absorbs 84% (easily fixed by scaled hides components, living armor, sacred plating, ancient armor plating).
Ultra-low fire resistance, you might wanna cap that one out somehow with a molten skin component or something… you don’t have components on the belt, rings, medal, and amulet.
Too wast spent skill points in wrong places, too many skills picked. A “must” skill might be “Flame touched” with its following node, Thermite mines for RR (resist reduction), Vindictive flame (1 pointer there), maybe “brute force” & finally 1 pointer in wendigo totem for some life steals and mini-heal.
Devotions, I guess, are alright but u might want to consider later picking Widow for extra juicy lightning RR as well as some flat RR like Rhowan’s Crown devotion.
Perhaps, switch relic to Eye of the Storm or Avenger for some proper skill point investment but that’s all for now I see drastic mistakes that u have made. Hope some of this helps.
Thanks Flaming!!! It helps a lot. When you say I have too many skills picked-does that mean I should be spreading the points out? I was going for max lightning damage so I picked-primal, storm touched etc. Should I pick one major skill such as Storm Totem and then spread the rest out?
Mostly when you’re using primal strike, you can’t be using Stun jack at the same time. Focus on one of them and don’t bother with the other. Instead you should move your skill points to passive bonuses like Flame touched and Vindictive flames, that you can benefit from WHILE using your main attack.
Also, you need thermite mines, RR is just THAT important in this game.
Here: I just moved skill points and devotions around a bit (I assumed you would prefer Primal strike to stun jacks, but you could just move those points back if you want.)
Here Elementalist, Level 94 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator with no gear changes would be optimal at this point. Forget Jacks, they only take up animation frames and take points off important stats. Change the augments and components to cover most resistances - this is the first thing to worry about. Get a movement medal rune (there are free low tier ones to buy in the Forgotten Gods hub - also go to the secret area thereby for the free Fettan Mask). Farm those component blueprints asap. The previous weapon you had (the halberd) was better. Don’t hesitate to ask why this and that. Cheers.