Build13 & Nightblade for your weekend enjoyment!

i skipped my college classes today just to play ; )

Tons of great changes. Can’t wait to play.

Amazing stuff…
Thank you Crate!

Why…why did I check before going to bed? Another sleepless night.

Awesome update. Thanks!

I finally got Steam to cooperate, and work as it is supposed to.

OUCH, my B12 characters are broke :slight_smile: (gear wise) , no biggy I always start a new set of characters for each new build anyway :wink:

Interesting choices of design for the Nightblade. So far I see a good mix of duel wield melee, and ranged attacks, this class is fun as you can get so far, and it is a bit of a paper tiger (I LOVE IT). Only made it to level 8 to night.

Before, I was giving the Solder a lot of love (I do so enjoy melee classes), but now I think I will be testing the shit out of the Nightblade. This class reminds me a lot of the Stalker in City of Hero’s/Villains, and other assassin classes in other games that duel wield (the only thing missing is claws).

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…Crate Entertainment, you guys rock.

Amazing! Nightblade it is!

(I forgot to change graphic options in this video…lol)

A little curious about the relvling of items.
Blue ones seem to have gained 3 lvls about.
Where as i also gained alot of lvl32 weapons and 2nd tier ribbons.

Dammit! You guys releasing new major updates faster than I can test them :smiley: That’s my fault though as I got too much into business and don’t have really enough time to play games, alas.

That’s great to have a new mastery - I hope to be able to spend my weekends with GD :slight_smile: Business can wait for some time :smiley:

Looks good.

Stun Jacks seem a bit too powerful but I suppose I can save some points for other skills so I am not a one trick pony.

Leveling is a bit faster but then slows down before level 10. (Hart’s quest before Devils Aquifer)

I am worried about the possibility of a devouring swarm hero.

I did have once case of a small hyperspace when pathing towards a refuse pile in wrightmire.

I’m almost lv 15 in 2hrs, way faster then any class still live streaming 2

A HD Nightblade Video!

Great news! I’m off to download and get ready for the weekend. :smiley:

Glad to hear there are some changes to weapons’ sound effects. I was thinking it might be worth mentioning that they all sounded the same and it was getting boring/irritating as far as pistols/rifles were concerned. Looking forward to hearing what you’ve come up with.

Another awesome update. Yay! Thanx Med, can’t way to try the new build.

awesome update !

can’t wait too play it, that will be a looooooong day at work^^

Shadow Strike is awesome!

Up way too late exploring synergies and fiddling with new builds. Thank you, Crate! What an unexpected delight this was.


Were some enemy skin’s updated or something because I’ve noticed the Cold One’s and Furies looking slightly different.

Also good job on Burrwitch Outskirts, adding more destroyed buildings / farms adds a little more to the whole “village” idea. Plus I found a Viper Lord… fun times :slight_smile:

Nightblade’s Shadow Strike skill video.

Nothing like waking up bright and early to discover this. I have a short vacation starting Sunday too so its easy to know where Ill be trying to spend it! :slight_smile:

Thank you Getoz for your Nightblade’s Shadow Strike skill video.
The skill looks awesome and fast (instant teleport is fun !).
I can’t wait to see how Blade barrier and Blade spirit look like in action !

Sweet video of nightblade with gear.

4 new pieces tonight, since that video and 1400 mob kills in 1.30 hrs haha love love nightblade!