Builds for full sets

hi i played the game for a while now and with my new level 100 elemantalist i was finally able to farm alot of sets.

i find it a bit hard to search for fitting builds, could you recommend me some for the following sets?

The unseeing gaze

Darkblaze Garb

The stormserpent


Callidor’s Defense


Epic sets do not get as much attention as legendary ones, or their tags are not used due to tags being limited to five per topic.

You find somewhat recent builds for Topics tagged darkblaze-garb, and you might get some inspiration from Topics tagged the-unseeing-eye-sets, Topics tagged the-stormserpent, Topics tagged stonefather, Topics tagged callidors-sets and Topics tagged festerblaze.

You can also search on Grim Dawn Builds by set items, but not by sets.

Hi. For The Unseeing Gaze i would recommend trying to replicate this calc


Welcome to game and forum! I’ve played Darkblaze a lot; here’s a good spec. Glassy if you misplay it, but damage is :heart_eyes: