Builds to beat crucible-waves 150-170

Cool then. Maybe i’ll get back to it one day

Are the rewards really worth doing over farming 100 - 150?

In my experience not really. Its just interesting to create builds being capable of clearing it completely, because its kind of hard actually.

Wow, thanks for the idea!

Defiler? Try Trickster!

Not Really. Not as far as Legendary items go. I’ve had less Legendary items at 170 than at 150. Maybe more MI’s idk.

Completing crucible feels like Trash Collector Simulator 2018 at this point, I don’t know why they can’t just give MIs different color or give a custom filter to hide the trash greens.

They implemented Symbols in testing. It was especially made for crucible.

It looked like this : Stonehide The item of my dreams of Kings

Perhaps they have another idea and will implement it later with the new rogue dungeon. Fingers crossed

Jajaja already made one, for 100-150. I’m now interested in waves 150-170, testing stuff there. Not only trickster, any Nightblade seems not viable. The only exception is possibly poison caster witch hunter made by JoV because it can kite. Though I have doubts because not only IM, but Kuba, Grava, Reaper - all chase and hit you and Aleksander can hit even a moving target with his meteor.
Defiler at least has potential as a kiting caster.

But we need iron for crafts, right (assuming you craft items in legit way)? Why dont just quckly sell trash greens for iron?

For the same reason we do not have auto-pick up of components as an option.

Because Crate.

No other reason at this point, really.

Maybe “F*ck you, player base”, could be the reason, but I like to think of it as indifference more than outright hostility.

Imagine if we could auto-pickup everything. Practically the only thing you do is walking and killing. You kill an enemy, you wanna check if the green item is trash or not - you can’t. You want to drop some stuff to pick up other stuff - you LITERALLY can’t. Imagine you do rogue dungeon, you have full inventory because you picked up all the trash you found. Soulrend drops. GG. Better luck next time.

If you want auto pick-up, make a mod. You can do an auto-pick-up mod easily - that would not even be hard. If you suck at modding, or never did that - ask someone to tell you what you need, maybe even pay them if you care enough. Hire someone to make such mod, whatever.

If you talk about auto pick-up for components only, I could see that BUT!:
there might be components that you don’t want to pick, let’s say polished emeralds and embers - you already wasted two slots in inventory because you have auto pick-up (implying you’re constantly combining them).

Auto pick-up for components is also a bad idea because it speeds-up speedrunners. If you had that, you could easily do a DoT build that instakills everything and you just run through and grab everything at the same time. You don’t need to pay attention to anything. Legendaries don’t drop that often, and mostly, they practically don’t drop from normal monsters, so here you don’t need to pay attention at all. If you care about your gear and character overall, care about what you’re doing. Look what drops from enemies, not only run like an idiot and swallow everything.

There are probably many other reasons that Crate have. Auto pick-up is, in my honest opinion, the worst design ever. I personally would love to have it deleted. Even for pots and money.

Because it takes time, sometimes I just want to see if there is something worth picking up and move on. Yes, we need iron for crafting, but beside the boots nothing else requires so much money that you need to roleplay a janitor. I also hate the massive boots crafting thing and always try to build my stuff around blue/purple item if I can, fuck me.

Imagine if we could auto-pickup everything. Practically the only thing you do is walking and killing. You kill an enemy, you wanna check if the green item is trash or not - you can’t. You want to drop some stuff to pick up other stuff - you LITERALLY can’t. Imagine you do rogue dungeon, you have full inventory because you picked up all the trash you found. Soulrend drops. GG. Better luck next time.

In PoE we have lootfilers for this. Last time I played PoE I collected only orbs and maps, so I never run out of space.

Oh indeed? I’ve spent more than 10kk of iron (most probably, 15kk+, considering my former tries) just to get one Thunderstruck ring of Attack, because i needed one. And what if i’ll need another one for another char???

Alright, I admit, I’d rather farming fucking acid puking trees all day rather than trying to craft all that stuff. However my point still stands: Even when you want to collect all the green stuff just for selling, some easy way to distinguish MI from normal green would be a QoL improvement.

I know it’s not added by Crate to the default game, but you might consider using the tool here:

WareBare made this after I asked about mods to indicate the rarity of affixes. It shows standard rare items as green and MI as olive. It works with the standard game by adding some text files to define tag properties, no need to start a modded session.

Are you serious, all it takes is a glance at the screen to instantly tell if its a normal rare from a MI. It literally tells you in words on the item…This is why we can’t have nice things, because companies have to cater to the casuals, in the pursuit of profit. Auto pickup everything, oversimplified items, just look at the failure of Destiny 2.

I beg to differ, mirror + BB combo with enough CDR and you dont even need to kite :wink:

Come on, permanent invulnerability isnt even funny :)…