Bull rush/windevil

Need to know if bullrush will proc on the windevil or on the character if i link it to it.
Im ranged so would want the winddevil to have it since im ranged, stuff rarely reaches me.
But have to use a ton of crystals to rework constelation and rather not do it if the bullrush going to appear at my location, would mean have to rework it again. Anyone know?

I have solemn watcher which gives same completion bonus as the bull, and cant really switch anything else out, dont have a proc on winddevil.


nevermind, tried it, it appears at character location, ah well, 32 crystals wasted lol
What a bummer, wouldve been sweet if it acted same way like guardian eye on SoC or the likes :frowning:

Thats odd. I remember using bull rush in b30 on blade spirit and it spawned on blade spirit. Or maybe it was bear constellation…

Maybe its a bug? :smiley:
Also winddevils dont seem to react on training dummies and they dont proc stuff on them except for the skillmods.

Bullrushing winddevils would be sweet for ranged PS build heh.
Crate? wink