By removing an aura FX

Via a mod I create (still trying, getting an error importing), it means I’ll not be able to use my character (or the mod) on things like Crucible???

Is there a work around this? I just want to delete the aura effects forever.

The rainbow item thing works on crucible, but I imagine is a different thing.

Edit - By aura I mean buffs, like Field Command, etc.
Edit 2 - Can I delete certain files so I still get the bonus from the skills but no “Christmas tree effect”?

Rename any fx.arc files in all resource folders to something else (so the game can’t find them). This is a brute source method and it will remove all fx not just for auras, but it is the easiest way to remove the fx.

I tried to remove specific files from the auras only (not .arc) and the game is broken now. Downloading it again. hahaha

By removing all the fx I would also remove all spell effects, meaning I would cast invisible stuff? If so, that’s not my idea. xD

Unless you intend to remove every aura effect by hand, that is the only option you have available.

That would be great actually, but I have no idea which files are. As I said, I tried to delete some and my characters were frozen on the selection screen, arms open and weird stuff on them. Could not play them also.

Do you know the folder path?

Edit - my DREAM is to be able to swap Guardians of Empirion looks with Blight Fiend. Do you think it would be possible by putting BF file inside the OK folder and change its name?

Anyone? :cry:

Wouldn’t it be easier to change the fx reference in the skill?
As an example, looking at records/skills/playerclass01/bladearc01.dbr, on line 651:
targetFxPakName, records/fx/skillclass01/weaponpool01_fxpack.dbr,
In records/skills/playerclass01/fieldcommand1buff.dbr, on line 640:
skillCastAuraName, records/fx/skillclass01/fieldcommand1_loop_fx01.dbr,
If the two dbr references were swapped, then surely they would still work normally but look different.
So you would look into the two skills for their fx files and swap them, then build your mod.

I opened the files as a txt. Hope it’s the right way to do. On your example, you mentioned Blade Arc and Field Command. Let’s say I want to swap Field Command aura effect for Spectral Binding: I would swap skillCastAuraName for the same parameter of other skill? And for active skills, targetFxPakName? Is this correct? I didn’t try it yet because last time I tried to change things, it bugged my game (even though I backed up the files I changed), so I want to be sure.

And I imagined icons and sound would still be the same as the original skill (which is fine for me).

I don’t know if it is actually correct, since I haven’t tried it. But it is what I would try. Each skill seems to have only the one parameter mentioning fx, although to be fair, I haven’t looked at every skill.
Skills have other entries detailing the sounds and icons, so they won’t change unless you change them.

Didn’t work. Even removing the fx files made no difference. No idea… I can’t use AssetManager to create a file that would not be considered a mod (and thus allowing me to go to crucible, etc.), right?