Callidor's Turret Mage Hunter

Originally i intended to level a Battlemage for Krieg’s set… yet again Inquisitor distracted me :rolleyes: and also kind of burnt out from leveling toons and farming Crucible so just sharing this briefly instead of a build guide.
(Also working on a Ritualist so after being able to post that i’ll prob take a break for a patch or two)

Grimtools : Click

For chunky enemies, chunkerz burst comes from maxed out Devastation.

Build has almost no Physical Resist, Armor Absorption and pretty low Armor value at that but mitigating damage through damage absorption and ADCtH and short CD Word of Renewal and Mirror of Ereoctes and Maiven’s etc.

Albrecht’s Duality and Clairvoyant set bonus procs more than they seem to be and sometimes its possible to cast mirror 3 times in a row with a brief 1-2 second intervals in between.

It is my first CT character since and i forgot how annoying it is to positioning near distant enemies to kill them :rolleyes:

Playstyle is based around dropping Inquisitor Seal and the ground and forming a safe field to keep spamming CT, using Phoenix Fire vs dangerous enemies.
RR isn’t amazing but Death Sentence helps a lot in that department so it is a mandatory spam also.

Devastation is there for fat enemies and overall good survivability thanks to Word of Renewal and Mirror with a CD reset mechanic to fall back on when necessary.

Gladiator Crucible 140-150 : CLICK

Not super fast or safe and i almost was going to have no character to post because of encountering 2 Iron Maidens at wave 120.

[b]PS: On a side not and sort of a different topic but my belief in RNG regardin MIs and rares are slowly being restored although im not naive about most of the rares floating around.

Crucible is really amazing for farming MIs and would like some Kuba pants too if not for the silly referencing bug that causes Kuba pants to not drop :rolleyes:[/b]