Calling dibs

I do not get this step, what I mean to say is that I cannot link it directly unless I manually place the text file inside the directory you have given. Is this what you mean. When I do this the image doesn’t show.

Someone released a working Necromancer yesterday, sorry. Maybe you could call it Death Magic Skeleton guy? It would fit your artistic style judging by the image you posted.

Did you follow the other steps?

It does indeed work.

Go over it again carefully.

  1. Create your file (509*291, as kir4 said, is the vanilla size for mastery pictures). You can save it as a PSD or TGA, or probably even other types.

  2. Put it into your mod’s “Source” folder. For instance, the directory should be something like “C:/Grim Dawn/mods/MyFirstMod/source” - replace “myfirstmod” with whatever your mod’s name is. Organize how you feel appropriate within this folder, your directories when selecting created assets will follow this organization.

  3. Open your assetmanager if it isn’t already. Load up your mod, go to the source tab (left most one). Find your file, then right click it and click “Auto Create asset”, then it will give you a few options - choose Bitmap. Bitmap is for icons, textures is for textures.

Now you should be able to link it. If it’s not working, you’re screwing something up along the way.

Oh boy, am I glad I actually called dibs well in advance. If I hadn’t called dibs, I’d look like an idiot once I released my Necromancer in a month or something.

Woah, ASYLUM’s still around.

I guess I’m just no good at modding. I have created my asset, however, when I go to the Skills_classselection and then try to link it in MasteryMastery bit, all I am presented with is Database records and no .txt files.

I think I will just give up until a proper tutorial comes out.

I spent all day just trying to figure out how to get the tutorial Add Mastery thing sorted, finally go it working and now I cannot even add an image. It all seems over confusing and unnecessary.

But thanks for your help.

Well, it is overly confusing, and there are tons of steps where you can make small mistakes and have it all break.
Grim Dawn modding is a lot about doing trial and error while staying sane.

Yeah. Modding in this engine requires tons of patience and sanity. One little thing can set you back for days until you realize either A) you did something stupid or B) it doesn’t work anymore. (i’m looking at you, targeted healing spell…)

And yea I’m still around. I went into hibernation til the mod tools came out. :slight_smile:

I guess I’m just no good at modding. I have created my asset, however, when I go to the Skills_classselection and then try to link it in MasteryMastery bit, all I am presented with is Database records and no .txt files.

Oh, I know the issue. :slight_smile:

The editor for that field is bugged, it gives a search for DBRs but you need TEX. You need to manually type the location for those specific files.

I remember testing ASYLUMSMOD in very early alpha back in the old days. :slight_smile: You working on another iteration of that for GD?

I have a few mods lined up, I will get to creating an amalgamation of ASYLUMSMOD and another that I thought up in the period of GD’s creation, will use some of the ideas I had to improve AM masteries as well as create different ones. I have a ton of masteries laid out already I just need the time and the ability to add more than 10 masteries. :X

But before I do that, I’m working on a minimod project that I should hopefully release within the next week or two. I don’t want to say too much about it publicly though just in case it doesn’t fall through for any reason…

Thanks I will have a look tomorrow at this. I did try it this way, and one of my skills images I had added disappeared (from dual blades), it was working, then it wasn’t.

In that record there is already something like 7 .txt files, should I be keeping them or deleting them. I sent my text file to the top of them and all images stopped loading, there was no mastery option buttons and my current mastery selected was just a black screen. It went back to normal after I deleted my txt file however.

Thanks for your help btw, :slight_smile:

EDIT: For skill images, is it ok to point at one in another skill tree, or should I be importing them into my own mod folder?

As a “filler”, feel free to point at ones from other trees. On the long run, you should keep things tidy and do a folder of your own.

This is what I thought and have been doing, except when experimenting with something.

Thanks for the feedback, still not joy getting my skill image working or class background image working though., everytime I link the asset ,tex all class images disappear and I am left with a blank window with no way of selecting a class.

can background images for class be edited here?


EDIT: I have also noticed that my PSD file goes from over 400kb to only 1kb when created as an asset.

That’s where you put references to images, yeah.

And yay at the power of asset compression.

I never managed to fuck my complete class selection up, but I single classes? No problem. Just a tiny typo somewhere and it all breaks.
Also make sure to create asset as bitmap, not “texture”.

Well I don’t know whats going on then lol, I have restarted my entire mastery for the fourth time, at least I am more clued now, can easily get it all working with skills, but those darn images just do not want to work.

I did a reinstall the other day because for some reason assets manager wouldn’t let me search for tex files only dbr files.

Fingers crossed tonight is the night I get those images working.

Finally got it working, I had my folders name incorrectly :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for all your help, this thread has been most useful :slight_smile:

Mesmer update for those still paying attention.

Still unable to find a way to make my original plan work. I’ve instead divided the summons into clones and a phantasm similar to how GW2 works. The phantasm is a standard pet scaling summon. They will be far weaker than your standard pets from occult or shaman but you’ll be able to have multiple out at once.

There are three different clone summons representing three different mesmer shatters. Each one summons a clone(summon cap at higher levels will be more than one but the spell will only ever summon one at a time) with a short life span. The clones can take damage and a small amount of agro off enemies and fight in melee but will do almost no damage until a timer expires and they suicide triggering an on death aoe nuke. The first shatter is direct damage. The second is lesser direct damage with a chance to apply confusion. The third is lesser direct damage with a chance to stun. They can be instantly detonated by summoning another clone when you have max summons of that type out. This type of build will allow for some considerable spike damage. Their individual nukes will do a reasonable amount of damage but with some planning ahead you could summon multiple clones at once before a tough fight. Their damage will scale with player stats.

In place of the gw2 mesmer f4 shatter skill I’ve created a standard short term invulnerability damage reflection skill like we see with arcanist and nightblade.

In place of the F5 chronomancer shatter I’ve created a long cooldown skill that instantly refreshes the cooldown on all other skills.

I’ve also implemented a well similar to chronomancer wells that functions like the occultist sigil. Instead of multiple wells I’ve consolidated them into one well with 3 different modifying skills for various effects. I haven’t entirely settled on the effects they will give. Possibly a slow, small offense/defense debuffs, and a very small chance on pulse to apply various offense influence effects.

Mesmers in gw2 also have a fair number of sources of ranged reflection. I’ve decided to continue with that theme but extend it to all damage reflection seeing as how no existing classes cover that base and it’s not all that overpowered given how often enemies are resistant to their own damage type. One of the phantasms modifiers will allow your phantasms to reflect a small amount of damage(inspiration from the mesmer trait that gives phantasms retaliation). I’ve also created a feedback skill that creates a large AoE that pulses a damage reflection buff to all within the AoE for it’s short duration. This AoE does affect your pets when they are in it. The mesmer himself will also a toggleable buff inspired from the chaos armor staff skill that will add a small amount of damage reflection and other effects to himself.

Using the same methods as I used to make the feedback skill I’ve also created a skill equivalent to the Time Warp elite skill. It creates a large AoE that pulses a buff that greatly increases the total speed of everyone in it. This skill will have a fairly long cooldown.

For signature skills I am going to go with “Illusionist” and “Chronomancer”. The exact effects of said skills I haven’t fully decided on. Illusionist will likely give some pet buffs among other things that will compliment their clones. Chronomancer will likely reduce skill cooldown by a small(balanced) amount, some chaos resists, and whatever else I think would fit the theme.

Also undecided but I think the damage types I’ll be using in this class are: pet damage(obviously), aether, and chaos. Aether for illusionist themed skills and chaos for chronomancer themed skills.

Tentative things still on the list to do is a channeled skill similar to aether ray and themed loosely off the gw2 mesmer greatsword skill. Some passive buffs. Maybe couple more active skills as I think of them.

Once all the base skills are created I’m going to spend some time tweaking my customer PFX and SFX then come up with values for each of the skills that are somewhere in the neighborhood of being balanced. After that I’ll open up the class for people to play test and give balance recommendations.

I aim this to be a reasonably balanced class. Not incredibly high damaging skills but offering tons of utility. I’m totally open to suggestions from anyone on things I should implement or change!

I did everything correctly but it says my tex file is invalid and I can’t open it in TexViewer. I notice that I click when auto create asset, the tex file is only 1kb even though my tga file is originally 400kb.