Calling dibs

  • On the mod name “Darkest Dawn”
  • On Necromancer and Illusionist masteries

Pic related; modding at its finest.

IMHO, seems like it would be better to have it in the title of the thread so people don’t have to click on the post to read about it. :slight_smile:

If everyone has a thread “Calling Dibs” that will make it difficult to keep track of the names people are using.

Something like Mod: Darkest Dawn, or just Darkest Dawn. Then write your stub in the post and use the thread to keep people up to date on the status.

You can click the Report button on your OP and request the moderators change the title.


I enjoy the concept of necromancer (D2, GW1), but I could never get my head around the illusionist of GW1, not sure of GW2, did not play enough.

Are there other examples I might be missing for illusionist type characters?

Eh, it’s just semi-serious. I don’t really know if I’ll have the time to see this through, and a “Necromancer” mastery is too obvious an idea to be called dibs upon.

Though the mod name nice. So having a linkable, timestamped source is useful, should I ever need it.

I have played neither. What do they do in GW1/2?

I was thinking about a mix of debuffs, crowd control, and “utility pets” that do fancy things like blow themselves up. And turn the “control enemy” skill into something that is legit usable.

Just tell me how you put the illusionist picture in there… NAO! :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Create a psd file of fitting size (509*291, like vanilla) with your class image on it

  2. Move it into your [modname]/source folder. I created a separate subfolder to collect textures, but any location within that hierarchy should suffice.

  3. Open the Asset Manager and locate your psd in the “sources” tab

  4. Right click -> “Auto-create asset” -> “Bitmap”

  5. You have a new .tex file now that should show up under the “Assets” tab. Link it in the dbr under records/ui/skills/classelection/skills_classelectiontable.dbr in the array called masteryMasterySelectedBitmapNames

That should do it

GW1 was a summoner mixed with a spell caster. Minions would slowly die if they did not kill anything, and there was a legendary summon that would need to be killed.

From what I can remember, there were debuffs, heals and buffs with the necromancer

In Guild Wars the illusionist was called a Mesmer. Many skills were based on Damage over time, damage back to the source, and enemy skill interruption. One particular skill called Distortion allowed the Mesmer to fade the player to evade attacks.
Guild Wars 2 introduced a cloning mechanic to use as decoys and detonate them to cause even more havoc.
The whole theme of the Mesmer is very similar to the Dream mastery in Titan Quest/Immortal Throne.

Replicating some of the best skills would be totally doable…and is quite inspiring…

Too late.

Already working on a GW2 themed Mesmer style mastery :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, instant fan here. What is nice is that there are already some component/item/relic skills that are very similar to Mesmer skills to start from.

Omg Mesmer! I hope this comes through. My favorite profession in the Guild Wars world. This and I hope to see some WoW classes brought in!

Having a damnable time working out a way to create skills similar to shatters though.

Something that casts an AoE around your character and any summoned illusions you have out and kills the illusions at the same time without actually being tied to the the dyingskillname entry.

You can have “Mesmer”, I’ll stick to “Illusionist”. :wink:

Random idea for your skill:

  1. Create a new, custom race for mesmer summons (“character racial profile”)
  2. Create a skill that gives absurd bonus damage against your custom race

No idea if that works, but it’s worth a try.

If you were to link the various AoE skills to the individual clone types to “dyingskillname”
Under Monster Parameters: “deathFromEnemyRange”
set to a very low number somewhere between 0.25 ~ 1.0


It wouldn’t be quite the same though because the actual player usage shatter skill would need some way to trigger when they should rush up to an enemy instead of rushing at them as soon as they are summoned. The problem with deathFromEnemyRange is that the clones would automatically die if any enemy is next to them at any time.

ah but wait…the hellhound’s Blazing Death skill could be the next best thing with some appropriate tweaking.

I suppose the maximum spawn limit would be set. There’s also a way to make them spawn individually with a cooldown instead of all at once…then I wonder if the Blazing Death skill would initially kill all three simultaneously…

One other thing, GuildWars2 clones are summoned from separate skills, to tie all that in a single detonation escapes me.

I’m not too concerned with summoning from separate skills at this point. The skill system doesn’t support having a million different abilities very well so I’m consolidating various skills to hit the 27-28 skills/secondary modifiers not including transmuters that we see with other classes. That way I can look into including skills based around things like wells, feedback, null field, blink, time warp, etc.

I thought about doing the racial idea. It might theoretically work in single player games but wouldn’t play well in multiplayer if two people were running mesmers. I wouldn’t want one persons skills to affect anothers summons.

Blazing death seems to just be a simple AoE that triggers on death. The on enemy range seems interesting. I don’t think it can do what I want it to do but if what I want to do is not possible that might be the next best thing.

Some ideas that I have come up with that I don’t know if they would work or not:

  1. Find a way to create a “buff” spell that only affects pets you control that uses a 100% chance on hitting enemy controller to proc a detonate/suicide spell. I haven’t been able to figure out how to make a buff that only effects pets that has the autocastskill and autocastcontroller fields yet, though.

This would allowed me to to have a few different “shatter” style skills that I can select which one I want to use. It would have the downside of possibly having an effect on other pets from other builds but if I can make it affect only pets you control under a certain racial tag that would be perfect.

  1. Pets have a “berserkskillname” field. I have no idea what this except the guide seems to mention that it’s the skill that pets use when they berserk. I can’t seem to figure out how to make pets go berserk, though.

This would allow me to have one shatter skill at least.

  1. Controller manipulation. If I could find a way to create a skill that changes the defensive/normal/aggressive controllers of a pet that doesn’t display on the pet panel I might be able to work something out in the skillusage so that the pets inherently have the skills I want to use but only use them when set to a certain controller.

  2. Something under scripting for the pet itself. Scripting looks promising but unfortunately I have no idea where to start with that. If I could figure out where to start I’m sure I could figure out what to do from there.

If anyone out there has any insights as to whether any of these options are even possible(hint hint devs :stuck_out_tongue: ) that would be great.

I had overlooked the reason the Blazing Death can be manually triggered is because the pet is resummoned…it was late and I had too much interest. :stuck_out_tongue:

no worries! Happens to the best of us.

The other thing I am looking into is seeing if it’s possible to have a skill cast a buff that temporarily increases the skill level of a particular skill.

Not sure if it’s been posted yet, but if not:

You can have a summon skill summon monsters (not pets). The monsters will behave like pets (attack enemies, not you), but remain attackable by you.

I haven’t done much testing on this, but it’s a nice little thing I stumbled upon.

This would be the assumed original approach but its good to clarify that. +1

For the mesmer shatter effect, perhaps instead of manually triggering a summon’s death is to give them an “alive time”. This means they would be able to fight in various ways (ranged or melee) for the duration of their life time. Then a given final melee skill would be used before they die. Afterwards their “dyingskillname” would trigger their aoe damage/debuffs. It would have to be timed just right.