Campaign Gating

actually it makes a lot of sense that you have to progress through the difficulties to reach ultimate difficulty. many people build their character for endgame, but if you dont happen to have a lot of great items in your stash, you also have to think about the way on which you will get up to ultimate.

what im trying to say is, that the journey up to the endgame is an important aspect of this game and that fact should not be changed.

It does make sense for the first character or people not very experienced with these types of games, but to need to do it for literally every character is tiresome. I personally wouldn’t even think to bring a character into ultimate without having good enough items in my stash though, so a bit of a moot point. I think being able to switch freely between difficulties once unlocked would be a decent fix to dealing with it, but I guess we will have to wait an see what mods and Crate bring us.

bear with me here, haven’t played D3 in forever as I found it completely boring. So you are saying that the same mob gives more XP in adventure mode to allow you to level faster, so you can reach ‘endgame’ faster ?

Then yes, that would work if endgame were actually desirable. Why don’t you just use a hacked level 85 char and get right to endgame ?

I get that the idea of GD is to enjoy the journey. But some people mostly just enjoy playing at max level. For me it is collecting Legendary Sets (especially since Ultimate Legendaries is faaar more beautiful than Normal/Elite Epics) and having that greater challenge that makes me wanna skip right to Ultimate. I understand that you dont agree, but theres no good reason we should NOT be able to powerlevel to max in a few hours. If both options are there everybody is happy, right?

your char would get beat up in Ultimate if you started out in it.

Get a level 85 char and use that if you want to bypass the game so you can focus on the repetitive grind that is all that is left after you finished the actual game :wink: Really not seeing why you need an option to level fast when you have the option to level in no time, for you that should be even better.

You don’t get more experience per mob in adventure mode, but it is faster than campaign with bounties and rifts. You’re assuming we should want to cheat if endgame is all we care about, but that’s not what I’m saying. It’s not the leveling process I want to skip, it’s the repeating of the campaign.

you can bypass a lot of the campaign already, like all of act 1. Since you still need to gain levels before reaching ultimate, skipping the skippable parts should get you there - unless you cannot beat Log due to being too weak / low level when you run into him

Look. Nobody is proposing there should be a change to the current way the campaign and levelling works. Some people just want an alternative route towards Ultimate. And cheating to get there definitely ruins the process. You get no hang of the build and gotta spend a LOT of time going through your stash of items to find ones that suit it. Theres no need to try to convince players that they should cheat to get what they want, and instead just let us propose features we want for potential mods or expansions. I cant see the logic in being hostile towards an “adventure mode”-like feature. People that dont like the idea would not lose a thing were it implemented.

Edit: I sure hope we will be able to use Survival mode to powerlevel. Cant wait to know what it will entail.

Personally I have a Blank level 50 Male and Female character with 28 Devotion points saved at start of Elite. I haven’t played normal Since B30. I just put a copy of either the Male or Female character in my folder, load the character in. Use a trainer to change the name to what I want. Then use gear from my stash to equip them.
Might Eventually stop doing Elite also and just use a Blank Level 65 Character with like 40 to 42 Devotion points saved at start of ultimate. (dont remember how many shrines are in Ultimate off top head)

wondering why you do not simply use a edited char to bypass the leveling if you do not want to do it and pointing out that you can already bypass a lot of the content is not hostile.

I genuinely want to understand the rationale / need for an adventure mode. As you do not gain more XP (as you said) and you can bypass content, I am not really seeing much of a difference between what you can already do and what you ask for.

What does adventure mode get you that is missing today ? Going to random places rather than doing it in sequence ?

Travel time is generally cut down quite a bit in adventure mode. I mean how far do you have to run just to get to the 2 dungeons in this game? He stated the exact reason why he doesn’t use edited characters, so there’s no reason to restate it. Adventure mode would give a legitimate alternative to hit ultimate difficulty without playing through the campaign 3 times.

maybe 30 seconds… hardly noticeable in the grand scheme of things (ie time spent in the dungeon). Also you do not have to start in a dungeon like you start in a rift, you can portal someplace and start right away

He stated the exact reason why he doesn’t use edited characters, so there’s no reason to restate it.

I did not ask him to restate it, I pointed out that asking this is not hostile

Adventure mode would give a legitimate alternative to hit ultimate difficulty without playing through the campaign 3 times.

and bypassing half of the campaign content does not allow for this ?

The loot from the 2 dungeons is better than just randomly killing monsters somewhere. If you skip every side-quest and just do strictly campaign quests, you’re going to be very under-leveled and most likely under-geared for ultimate.

nobody is stopping you from doing more, but then I am not sure what the point of bypassing content is any more… you rather run the same dungeon 50 times than play through the campaign once ? why ? better loot ?

You still could do the minimum in the campaign and farm your dungeons for however many levels you need to gain…

You say you want to understand, but after reading all your posts regarding this matter I’m starting to feel like you just want to make arguments against this. But you are wondering what the difference would be with an adventure mode-like feature. Here goes:

The main idea is to cut away the time it takes to level up. (And dont say “use a blank lvl85” because thats not what “we” [atleast I] want). This should be as “free/open” as it can be, meaning (only suggestions on the top of my head):

  • Enemies’ level scaling to your level all across the world.
  • XP gain greatly increased. Im talking like 200% or whatever, minimum.
  • A significant increase in enemy hero mob spawns. (Not adding to total number of spawns but rather replacing normal mobs, to not be so hard on the CPU)
  • The quests should not be removed. IF you want to do them you should be able to. If you dont want to, you can just run around everywhere killing. The progress time should still be roughly the same.
  • Bounties XP significantly increased, and you should be able to pick any bounty you want.
  • Various main quest rewards, like inventory bags, may be unlocked in other ways. ex. at specific levels, as drops or whatever.
  • Epics/Legendaries drop chance significantly increased, but bound to the character that picks them up.
  • Something something regarding gain of rare crafting materials and scraps/aetherial crystals too, but i dont know.

I believe the aim should be to make the level progress less tedious for those who want to play Ultimate, at the same time that it doesnt make the ones who wanna play normally feel they’re missing out on something.

This is to cater to the needs of more groups of people. I’m telling you, I reaaaally dont wanna play on Normal/Elite anymore, it just doesnt interest me. At all. So I just stop playing. But I dont really want to. So I instead wait for potential mods that makes this happen. I believe there are many who wants the same, and who dont go to the forums to talk about it.

I don’t see how creating a game mode that gives twice the amount of experience and much better item drops would not make people playing through the game normally feel like they are missing out.

After they put adventure mode into D3 I don’t know anyone who would waste their time leveling a character in the campaign.

I guess you will probably just have to wait for a mod that will do what you want, like you said.

Edit: The whole point of this game being fully mod-able is so people can play how they want. But if you want to play a game that is so much like D3, why wait for a mod to be made for this game? Why not just play D3?

I tried D3. Didnt like it. I like Grim Dawn.

Its not that I want GD to have the same features as D3. I just dont got that creative mind to think of genuinely new ideas. What I listed above is not necessarily what I want in the game. It was only do describe how it could be different from progressing the game normally, per request of Mamba. Im not even hopeful that devs would implement a similiar feature. I believe this kind of things will come from modders. I do hope however that Survival Mode will fill this function to at least some degree, which is - faster levelling.

fine by me

  • XP gain greatly increased. Im talking like 200% or whatever, minimum.

it seems people disagree on this, I guess this is where my confusion came from. Without increased XP it felt pointless

I am against it.

  • A significant increase in enemy hero mob spawns. (Not adding to total number of spawns but rather replacing normal mobs, to not be so hard on the CPU)

how significant ? I assume a lot more than Veteran mode…

  • Bounties XP significantly increased, and you should be able to pick any bounty you want.

again, no

  • Various main quest rewards, like inventory bags, may be unlocked in other ways. ex. at specific levels, as drops or whatever.


  • Epics/Legendaries drop chance significantly increased, but bound to the character that picks them up.


I believe the aim should be to make the level progress less tedious for those who want to play Ultimate, at the same time that it doesnt make the ones who wanna play normally feel they’re missing out on something.

the above does not meet that criteria… you essentially get in 5 hours or so what they get in 30, XP and item wise. How can it not be missing out to play the regular game then ?

Now that it has been explained, thanks for that, I definitely am against the increased XP and drop rate, the rest is ok, but I guess by taking those away you might as well stick to the campaign…

This is to cater to the needs of more groups of people. I’m telling you, I reaaaally dont wanna play on Normal/Elite anymore, it just doesnt interest me. At all. So I just stop playing. But I dont really want to. So I instead wait for potential mods that makes this happen. I believe there are many who wants the same, and who dont go to the forums to talk about it.

Wait for mods then. I think you are looking for the devs to tell you that it basically is ok to cheat by adding a mode like this.

You could simply take a level 85 char and bypass the campaign to go straight to farming (which seems to be what you really want to do, and to cut the time getting there down as much as possible) but since that is cheating you don’t want to do it. If the devs were to add a mode which for all intents and purposes is cheating, you are glad to take it though, as you can then claim that you did not cheat.

I do not want this added, cheat if you must, but there is no need to ruin the game for most, so a few can pretend like their high level chars are not cheated.

I do not care if you cheat, if you have to in order to have some fun, by all means do so.

This is an awful idea and does not belong in a good game, leave it in crap like D3.

Wait for mods then. I think you are looking for the devs to tell you that it basically is ok to cheat by adding a mode like this.

You could simply take a level 85 char and bypass the campaign to go straight to farming (which seems to be what you really want to do, and to cut the time getting there down as much as possible) but since that is cheating you don’t want to do it. If the devs were to add a mode which for all intents and purposes is cheating, you are glad to take it though, as you can then claim that you did not cheat.

I do not want this added, cheat if you must, but there is no need to ruin the game for most, so a few can pretend like their high level chars are not cheated.

I do not care if you cheat, if you have to in order to have some fun, by all means do so.

This is an awful idea and does not belong in a good game, leave it in crap like D3.

I get it, you’re against the idea. I don’t get how a mode like this would ruin the game for most, as you could literally play the way you have been. You keep bringing up cheating as if that what the mode would be, but it isn’t the case. The possibilities for a mode like this aren’t just what Diablo 3 has, it was merely an example of what could be introduced. Not everyone enjoys getting a character to ultimate, and then just abandoning it to start another and the whole campaign again. Adventure mode could bring more players and replay-ability to the game in something other than trying out different builds. It’s not like Diablo 3 would still be this popular without adventure mode.

Have you actually played Diablo 3’s main campaign? They basically destroyed everything D1/D2 players worked for, ruined several Diablo lore characters by making them whiny/stupid or giving them petty backstories, and the story itself is incredibly boring and cliche.
By my second or third character I wanted to kill everyone, not just the “bad guys”.

No wonder everyone plays adventure mode.

that is simple, you spend 30 hours and have the same to show for it as someone playing for 5 hours in a different mode. Why would anyone then choose that first mode ?

No one does it in D3, so the campaign has been ruined by it.

You keep bringing up cheating as if that what the mode would be

yes, to me is is. We had plenty of people here complaining how the game has no closed servers so anyone can duplicate items, this is way worse than duplicating items.

If I told you I grew tired of playing my char after 4 hours and decided to hex exit him to level 85 and give him some good gear so I can farm Ultimate, you would consider that cheating I assume.

Not everyone enjoys getting a character to ultimate, and then just abandoning it to start another and the whole campaign again.

no one says you have to abandon the char, you can use it for farming, just like I assume you would use the chars from adventure mode for farming

Adventure mode could bring more players and replay-ability to the game in something other than trying out different builds.

no one is stopping you from farming with the char you got to level 85, you do not need to have another 10 chars for that, and if you feel like you do, then play the campaign or use a hacked char, no need to ruin the game for this.

It’s not like Diablo 3 would still be this popular without adventure mode.

I actually doubt that at all levels, D3 is very unpopular and adventure mode and the endless boring grindfest it became are major contributors to that

If you look at the number of copies sold and the number of active players (which admittedly you can only try to extrapolate) the game is all but abandoned. Its saving grace is that it had so many buyers that a small percentage sticking around still translates into a decent number of players.

yes, the campaign is awful

By my second or third character I wanted to kill everyone, not just the “bad guys”.

No wonder everyone plays adventure mode.

If GD were as awful as D3 I would have stopped playing after a few weeks and would not care how it gets ruined by its devs even further with more stupid decisions. Since it is not, I’d rather not see it ruined by stupid ideas.

Go play D3 if you like it so much, I abandoned it precisely for what it is and don’t want GD to become more like it.