Campaign Gating

On the topic of an adventure mode, or survival… what about that island just NW (I think) to cronley. Would be a good place to start a type of possible arena, survival, extra adventure-ish mode there.


Everyone keeps saying “well GD offers this flavor/perspective but why can’t we have X like in other games”. Then play other games, the point of playing certain video games/series is to enjoy what they have to offer.

You want 0 character progression and end game go go go, play D3. I’m enjoying the D2 roots of getting characters through different difficulties. I played D3 from release and up till February have finally quit. Playing any sort of character becomes so boring as within one week you can fully level up and be in all the gear you need to push high end content.

I’m hoping the whining stops once mods come out… I was looking forward to escaping the main troll forms that D3 offered.

Everyone is taking it as I want Grim Dawn to become Diablo 3, but all I’m doing is using examples from Diablo 3. Suggesting an alternative to campaign is whining apparently, because somehow grinding the campaign 3 times on every character makes you better than someone who could potentially use adventure mode. If I wanted 0 character progression, I would cheat. I’ve stated multiple times that’s not what I want and it gets brought up in every disagreeing post as if it’s something I’ve never considered. Adventure mode could bring more incentives to do bounties, an aetherial/cronely/black legion/kymon dungeon, basically any faction you can get a nemesis for. Let characters switch between the 2 modes, add in a town where things are conveniently placed, a higher devotion cap, dungeons with handicaps and extra rewards for completing them.

The main point, and this is not so much an example as a prerequisite as far as I can tell, is

  • drastically increased XP gain
  • drastically increased item drops
  • so a char can be level 85 and in appropriate gear (ie at least as good as what he would on average find by playing the campaign) in a few hours

As long as that does not change, it ruins the game, simple as that.

I do not mind the other bits

  • mobs scaling to your level everywhere
  • more heroes spawning
  • open up all portals so you can go to them right away and grind for gear and levels

If that is sufficient, I am all for it

It’s an example, and one that I never used. The only reason it’s like that in Diablo 3 is because the game has 14 difficulty levels, and the higher you go, the faster experience and better the drop rates. There’s also gear in Diablo 3 with % experience and % item find, which aren’t hugely used in Grim Dawn. Obviously in Grim Dawn there isn’t 14 difficulties, so it wouldn’t be a problem.

This isn’t how hero spawns work. When you spawn a monster, there’s a % chance that a hero spawns alongside it. If you spawn no monsters, you spawn no heroes.

agreed, it was at the center of pehwraah’s explanation of what adventure mode is though

The only reason it’s like that in Diablo 3 is because the game has 14 difficulty levels, and the higher you go, the faster experience and better the drop rates. There’s also gear in Diablo 3 with % experience and % item find, which aren’t hugely used in Grim Dawn. Obviously in Grim Dawn there isn’t 14 difficulties, so it wouldn’t be a problem.

fine by me, I did not really have a problem with the other parts of adventure mode

I just meant that if you would have more hero mobs, they shouldnt be spawned along side the existing normal ones to add to the performance frustration of many players.

Im not at all saying it HAS to be like that, they were examples only. I just wanna discuss the possibility of a faster levelling progress. Higher drop rates just comes naturally to that for me, so you wont be undergeared. But of course I can see the negative side of that too.

And I just meant that that’s not how the actual spawn system works. Could be a performance optimization worth investigating. But right now heroes do not and cannot replace regular spawns. The way it works is you spawn 6 entities, and then for each one of those entities, you run a random number against a probability, and if the number is greater/lesser (depending on your implementation) than the probability, you spawn a hero alongside that particular entity. As we’re working with 6 default entities, its entirely possible you wind up spawning 6 heroes alongside them for a total of 12 units. But you cannot spawn more heroes than you do regular entities.

So what I’m getting from this thread is that one person wants an alternate game mode to speed up leveling on a character without having to grind 3 full games.

The other is worried that having the access to such a thing will ruin the game. I.e. A lot of players will forgo the carefully crafted campaign and just endlessly grind that mode instead, and eventually cause another D3.

What if, when you complete a whole 3 difficulty campaign with one character, you unlock some points. These points can then be used on new characters upon creation to enter a special campaign where you play through it normally, but only the one difficulty. It’s technically ultimate, but it’s got the features described previously: more xp, higher drop rates, more heroes, unlocked portals, etc.

You’d have a system where you still have to play through the whole game occasionally, but still get your adventure mode style gameplay for new characters afterwards. This helps keep a flow of your fast paced game, while still getting the slower regular play done occasionally for… Reasons…

I got really sleepy towards the end of typing this and couldn’t remember where I was going with it. Might type more after a nap.

This, or a survivor mode seperate from the campaign completely.

create a new char for survival only (choice of campaign or survivor during creation )

start at lvl 1, and fight rounds, win items for that char, then every 5 or 10 rounds, or more, you get access to a survivor only stash (shared like campaign).

continue until death. restart at a wave that was easier… increments of 5 or 10 on restart…

Care to add on or fix on the idea?

That might actually be a better idea, though, i still think that having to complete the original 3 difficulty game at least once should be mandatory.

Maybe some context for it would be that by defeating Log on Ultimate and reaching level 85 with that character as well, some old, unknown god turns his interest towards you, and extends an offer to the characters future incarnations (new characters) to fight in his otherworldy arena filled with beast and monsters and fighters and wizards from across the universes.

Isnt it actually the core, soul of this game, grinding and slowly getting from zero to hero?

You could change cheese game to have a three seconds for each round. Would it still be chees?

I had an idea a while back about reducing the slog with greater global EXP boosts with each completed character:

You could tweak a few other parameters like drop rate or inherent move speed as well. The tricky part would be figuring out how to implement it while screening out players cheesing their way through the system by downloading a bunch of characters. Or not worry about it all.

What if to unlock special modes you have to beat the game with that character and that difficulty you want. IE you want to do an adventure mode in Ultimate. Must be able to beat ultimate . Wanna do it in normal. Beat normal. But monsters still wont scale up higher then they do on the normal game. So you will still have to beat Elite and ultimate to get to 85 (or higher later). It will help with farming and item grinding like bounties. (maybe an expanded bounty table)

so the grind and farming isnt so tedious. IE a mode that you can collect X quests from the people in the prison and do somethings in act one. Complete all those tasks and get a bonus chest / XP. (1 chest per major area , Prison/ homestead/ faction area) Each area offers say 5 quests you can pick up at once from X people. IE kills this hero or boss. After all 5 quests are complete get a chest/ lootable that pops like a hero / boss orb.

You will still get to explore content. You will still have to play through the game. It will help with Farming for Better gear. It will help level and get a character powerful enough to deal with the next stage.

Yes. Now we are getting somewhere.
Adding to what’s already said in the last posts, and in line with OP’s topic “Campaign GATING”… I think that, the thing of blocking content further down the road isnt needed in this kind of mode. If one are to circumvent the story progressing it makes sense to have the whole world unlocked, right? To be able to pick and choose the content from the start, right?