Can someone please show me how to tag text as a SPOILER

I have an existing article that contains a few few spoiler lines and want to tag them as such.
I know this site supports hiding spoilers, but for the life of me cannot find out how to do it?

I have tried the Google suggestions of || and /spoiler and nothing seems to work.

[spoiler] is the tag. End tag is the same but with a “/” after the [ like markup languages like this.

Heads up as well - if there’s ever another tag you’re uncertain on around here, highlight the section of the post and click the quote button that pops up to see the post in full including any tags used.

The other tag is:

This text will be hidden

(minus the ’ before and after)

Instead for “Summary” you can insert any words you want.


See, it works. :slight_smile:

Still confused - Is this some type of HTML?
Sorry guys - not winning here.

My text

also !! MyText !!

just getting just literals back

[/] should be [/spoiler].
[/spoiler] should be [spoiler].

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Also what is the quote button you speak of? I don’t see it?
“Heads up as well - if there’s ever another tag you’re uncertain on around here, highlight the section of the post and click the quote button that pops up to see the post in full including any tags used.”

Just mark the things you want to quote. A quotation is made for you immediately.


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Thank you very much, this solved my problem.
I am not familiar with these new media tags.
I come from a background of ASM, C++ etc, from a long gone forgotten era :slight_smile:

All this HTML and new web stuff has left me a little disadvantaged here.

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Cool, I also see now where that QUOTE button is.
Is a different type of markup syntax.

Thank so much for your help.

This looks like a new markup language that uses SQUARE brackets as opposed to the HTML norm of GREATER THAN - SMALLER THAN than brackets?

[] vs <> ?

That’s pretty much how the tags work yes.

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Thanks, it does not matter how old you get - there is always more stuff to learn.
Show me someone who says he knows EVERYTHING about some topic and I will show you a deluded fool :partying_face:

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powbam started this a while ago and has yet to finish it, but might help you get to grips with the way the new forum works.

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Also, if you have a read thru this thread…

…omnitrio and I explore tons of the forums quirks, prying and bending it to see what all we could do with it.

This is a very useful post!

I am a simple poster and usually use NOTEPAD to add my comments.
I do sometimes use FSCAPTURE to add images into my post.

One of my latest posts though, I realized I had spoiler text.
All sorts of Google searches failed to resolve how to flag this as spoiler in the forum.

The community actually solved my issue. THANKS.

I know your guide is in early stages, but there does NOT seem to be any guide as to the format of this sites “[]” tags as opposed to usual “<>”.

I am a Dinosaur, and was unaware that DISCORD uses square brackets for its markup language instead of normal HTML tags.

If I am wrong here, please accept my apologies and put it down to Alzheimer’s.

Looking forward the full blown document here.

You can actually use both in Discourse to varying degrees.

Medea is looking forward to it too :laughing:

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There we go, exactly what I was trying to post , with the spoiler hidden!

Yes, I am so don’t disappoint me! :smile: