Can´t find Mods

Hi guys,

I´m usually not that bad in finding stuff in the Internet, but took me ages to find GrimInternals. Just can´t find Rainbow Filter and Grim Dawn Item Assistant! Got it from Lifting Nerd Bro, but his links are linking to a more or less empty side! :frowning:

Kind regards

They are in this subforum:

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Thx so much!

Or… you could do it the other easy way.

and furthermore, you are making it difficult upon yourself searching for “rainbow filter” as THAT is not its name. It is also not located within the “Utilities” section like the others (tho I rather think that it is more suited to that section versus the “Modding - Projects” section).

WareBare might want to consider moving it perhaps? I suspect he might have even chosen that location since the Utilities section was infested with a mile long list of stickied tools, which it no longer is. And maybe even consider renaming it since everyone and their mother seems intent on insistingly calling it the “Rainbow Filter”.

The search function of the forum works amazingly well.

most people are referring to it as “the rainbow filter” and/or “the rainbow mod” :confused:

So I have noticed. At any rate… that is not its name.

Wrote much more than anticipated, so I’m using details for bonus info :smiley:

The Beginning

Well, it started as a mod request and I was remembering a post about changing a resource without building the .arc again and therefore working for all game modes equally, so I figured if it worked for that it must work for tags, too. I believe it was changing a loading screen image by GlockenGerda.

The basic scripts to generate the files were written within a few hours and the first test run was posted in the modding projects section, because it’s using files for modding and was an answer to a mod request. Figured maybe a few people would be interested in this… . Shortly after posting, it was suggested it should be moved to Utilities, but I left it there for two reasons.

That’s the first reason, I figured there is plenty in there, if more proper tools for that section are getting stickies - the page is full with them. It also kinda belongs in both, the only reason it can go into Utility is because it doesn’t require a custom game, but everything else are the same files as for modding, so I just left it there. Didn’t really make a difference for the old forum.

My Break From GD

I also took a break from GD, so I kind of left it there to die, only to find out it was still alive and even more popular then before. No new tool was made and leaving Matougi to manually update the files for new tags, so I felt like a had to pick it up again, at least to make a the new tool for easier file updates. With that I started thinking about moving it again or changing the name, but before I do that I should know what I want before harassing a mod and I just left it there again. :sweat_smile:

With the new forum and the possibility of changing things myself, the thoughts came back, but still not sure what to do, so for now I’m trying good ol’ SEO in the hopes of Discourse search working similarly enough like a google crawler would.
I added a bunch of keywords at the end of the post, because when I search for “full rainbow” it actually shows the thread. I also changed the title to be more fitting at what it does, filter is probably more confusing since we have a filter in the game now. I might add an aka Rainbow at the end if that keywords thing isn’t working out, because I don’t want to make the title too long :crazy_face:
I probably should move it to Utilities though, because those that don’t care about mods can just mute the entire (modding) section and don’t have to track the thread just to find it when an update is required.

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maybe because people saw this video

I’m not 100% on this but I * think * you might actually be able to move it yourself in the editor now, if you want.

May well be possible powbam. Try it WareBare.

Click on the edit icon by the thread title, then you should see this. Click on the triangle to the right of Modding Projects to call up the section llist, scroll down to the section you want to move it to, select it and then click on the tick to make the move.

If you don’t have that option then just PM a mod to move it for you.

Yep, I saw the part where I can move it, but I don’t know what would happen when I try to move it into a category that requires mod approval.
Will the thread disappear until approval, or will it simply stay where it is until then. Since I’ve now seen a mod around, I figured I give it a shot:

That is a weird error message though. :rofl:

Would probably be awaiting approval in the new section, not sure if anyone but mods could see it, but we get flagged for items to review so shouldn’t take long. Or as said, just ask a mod via PM to move it for you if you don’t want it to be waiting.